Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Today's Weird Ailment...If I Can Call It That?

Today, I woke up sick.  I was up far later than Eugene, and I almost didn't want to get out of bed because I felt so crummy. My head ached, and I felt sick to my stomach.
I could hear Jordan fussing, though, and I knew he probably needed help out there -- even though I didn't want to get anyone sick, not again!  They had just gotten over their colds.  Maybe I was just now getting it?  I didn't have a sore throat, though...
Regardless, I wandered out, still in my nightie and my hair un-brushed, to see what was up with Jordan.  Eugene had her in his arms, and was singing quietly to get her to calm down.  The two oldest girls were playing with Pascal, oblivious to their little sister's cries.
Urging down a strong wave of nausea, I made my way to the wicker chair to see Eugene and Jordan, and my hubby quickly stopped singing, his face reddening from embarrassment.
"I didn't wake you, did I?  She's really fussy this morning." he looked up at me, and his eyebrows shot up, too. "What's up with you, honey?  You look really crummy," he gave me a concerned look, standing and shifting Jordan to one arm so he could cup my cheek in his hand.
"Way to make a girl feel better," I grumbled.  "I have a headache, and I feel sick to my stomach.  Not sure why...ugh."  I scooped Jordan out of Eugene's arm and gave her a cuddle, trying to get her to quiet down.
His eyebrows furrowed.  "I'm sorry, hon.  I just meant--"
"I know what you meant...you're the one who always teases, so you should pick up on a joke," I immediately realized how that sounded, and I groaned.  "Sorry.  I didn't mean-"
"It's fine," he told me.  "But I do think you should go back to bed.  Actually, I demand you go back to bed, and if you don't, I'll carry you back and make sure you stay there.  M'kay?"
"Uh-huh," he took Jordan back into his arms and kissed my forehead.  "You...bed...now." 
I rolled my eyes, but I heeded his instructions. 

When I woke up later, around 1, I felt a lot better, only I still had that headache.  When I came out, the girls were running around in a lively game of tag, which Eugene was actively engaging in.  Jordan was sitting up by herself on a blanket on the floor with Pascal, watching them, so I went over and scooped her up, letting Pascal slip up onto my shoulder.  Eugene turned around, reaching to put his hand on Audrey's head and announcing her "it" (despite her squeal), and finally noticed I was up.
Dodging Audrey's grab at his pant leg, he jogged over to me, grinning and slightly out of breath.
"Hey, you two.." he bent to give me a quick kiss.  "How's my girl doing?"
"Better...I don't know what was going on this morning." I shrugged, glancing down at Jordan and bouncing her in my arms a couple of times.  "You guys having fun?"
"Mhm-" he broke off, skidding to the side when Audrey grabbed for him once more.
She instead slapped my leg, missing his, and yelled "YOU'RE IT!!" before tearing off, giggling.  Casey ran, too, laughing as Audrey said something.
"You don't have to, if you're not feeling good enough," he told me when I offered Jordan to him.
"Nah, I'm fine!  We haven't played tag in a good while," I said as I trotted slowly after the girls, giving them a head start.
Yuck...I really hope that whatever was wrong this morning is gone for GOOD! 


  1. I hate being sick! Uhhhh...I remember that one time I had to stay on a different shelf because I was so sick and the other dolls were like EWWW!!!

    Lydia just got rid of tons of Barbie dolls that she never plays with. I sure hope she won't get rid of me...

    1. Ohh, that stinks!! And I'm sure she won't get rid of you, Anna! ~Rapunzel
