Happy New Year (Rather, New Year's Eve.. :P), everyone! (=
Ever since Christmas, I've been a bit worried about Anna and Elsa. I know I shouldn't worry about their own business, but I can't help myself -- they're my friends, and I don't want them to be upset!
So this morning, I was talking it over with Eugene. Being the doting person he is, he sat and listened to every worry I had.
"Well....I think it's kind of you to be concerned for them, of course, but just don't poke your nose into anything you can't get back out of, okay? Those two are volatile, and I wouldn't want to make either of them mad. Especially Anna." He half-joked, giving me a grin.
I laughed. "I know. I just...I suppose I shouldn't worry about them, but I just can't help it!"
He nodded, getting an unreadable expression on his face.
When I asked him what the matter was, he simply stood up, reaching his hand out to me. "C'mon."
"Where are we going?" I asked, quirking a brow as I took his hand and stood.
"For a walk. You seem like you need to go for a walk," he told me, giving me a smile.
I gave him a broad grin, immediately excited at his idea. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
He chuckled as we headed off of the dresser. "Only about fifty times." As he said this, he snagged the iPod from the drawer.
Giggling and giddy to get going - we hadn't gone on a walk in I don't know how long! - I tugged on his hand and led him quickly to the floor.
On our way down, we came across the tiny Loki doll. I gave him a quick grin and a hello, to which he just sneered. I'll win him over someday!
When we got to the floor, Eugene set the iPod down, and we just wandered for awhile. We chatted about anything and everything, between the first time we met and our future. If I as much as spoke up about Anna or Elsa, my hubby quickly redirected my thoughts towards something else.
In the afternoon, we swung back to where the iPod was. He stopped walking and snagged my hand, turning me around to look at him.
"What?" I asked, smiling shyly as soon as I saw that award-winning grin spread across his features.
Suddenly, he seemed to remember what he was going to do, and his face went red. He ducked his head towards his feet for a moment, before peeking back up at me in a hilariously cute manner.
"I-I was wondering if you wanted to...uh...dance." He paused, and then he acted as if he had to explain himself. "I...just thought it might be something different, and...but..if you don't want to, I can understand why, and-"
I laughed, putting my arms around his neck. "I'd love to."
With another killer grin, he pulled away long enough to turn the iPod onto some music, and then we danced through several songs.
To my surprise, he was a LOT better at dancing....tons better than the last time we'd danced, on our wedding day. We even attempted to recreate the "Kingdom Dance" from our movie...which didn't turn out too well... =P
By the time we were done dancing, it was dark on the floor. We headed up to sit on the window for awhile, but since the sky was heavily laden with clouds, we didn't stay there for long.
When we got back to the shelf, I was flat-out exhausted.
As soon as we stepped back onto the shelf, Pascal hopped off of my shoulder (he'd barely survived our Kingdom Dance attempts :P ), launched himself at the wicker chair...plopped down, tucked his tail over his nose...and went to sleep.
I giggled quietly, gesturing towards him, and Eugene chuckled.
"Tuckered out from all the walking he didn't do," he said quietly, and I flat-out laughed.
"Mmhm. Well, it's tiring, almost getting launched off of someone's shoulder...repeatedly."
He grinned, and I smothered a yawn. Noticing my yawn, he suggested we head to bed....and I didn't complain.
As I spread out the blankets, a fleeting thought crossed my mind.
What would life be like once we adopted and started a family? Would we ever go on our walks again after that? I thought up other things and gnawed on them for awhile.
After I'd unbraided my hair, brushed it out, and changed into my nightie, I admitted my thoughts to Eugene.
He gave me a patient smile the second I said 'adopt', as if he knew what I was going to say. Was I that predictable?!
When I finished my quick speech, he touched my side, but he didn't answer me at first. Then, he just bent to give me a quick little kiss.
I followed him to sit down in bed, and then he answered me.
"I was just thinking about the same thing. Don't worry...we won't grow apart after we start a family - I won't let us. And we'll keep our walks. After all, us going for walks together was what brought us together! When we go for walks, I always remember our walks when we were just-"
"Starting to fall head over heels?" I broke him off, grinning.
He gave me a smitten sort of smile before he nodded. "Mhm. And I'm sure we'll think of something. We have plennnnty of time before we talk to Tangled Fan about adoption, right? Unless you were planning on it already - I mean, we haven't even been married for quite a month."
Wow. Noo, I wasn't planning on adopting yet!! "Oh, goodness - no, I don't want to adopt quite yet. But..you know, for when we do in the future. I was just being weird and overly-worrisome," I said.
He winked. "You're not being weird..I was just half-worrying about the same thing."
I realized he was trying to be all tough and not admit he had been worrying about anything. Giggling, I gave him a playful shove. "Yeah, yeah...half-worrying...sure."
He chuckled. "I know. You got me."
Flopping over backwards, he half sighed, half yawned, and then I tossed the blankets over both of us before I curled up. He was quiet for a couple of minutes, and I thought he'd gone to sleep already, but then he started stroking my hair. I grinned to myself, and then he told me to c'mere again....so I didn't hesitate when he stretched an arm out so I could tuck myself a bit closer to him, sprawling an arm across his chest and resting my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and pulled me as close to him as he could.
"Did you enjoy your walk today?" He asked quietly.
Grinning into his shoulder, I nodded. "Thank you. I loved it..."
"Me too," he told me...and I was content for a couple of seconds, until another question popped into my mind.
"How did you learn how to dance so well? Last month...." I broke off short of telling him he had been horrible at dancing.
He laughed. "This might sound silly, but I searched on the iPod and tried to teach myself, as a surprise to you. Anytime we weren't together, I'd be practicing."
I flopped onto my belly so I could look at his face. "Seriously?!"
Chuckling, he nodded. "Silly, I know."
"No, no, no..that's not what I meant. I'm just surprised you did that. I mean, I could've taught you if you had asked, instead of going through all that, and I'm sure it wasn't easy-"
He laughed through his nose. "Then it wouldn't have been a surprise. And, well, it was well worth it...at least, I thought so. I saw your face light up more and more when I didn't stomp all over your feet through the first song."
I gave him a sheepish grin. "I was surprised. It was a good surprised, though! Thank you."
I reached to kiss the tip of his nose, and he gave me that special grin before telling me good night and that he loved me...as was custom every night. I returned it, and then curled up under the blankets, feeling my various, and probably unnecessary, worries slip away when he tightened his arm around me.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Concerns and a day out for the first time in a lonnng time!! =D
Day out,
Happy New Year,
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Christmas & An... Interesting Newcomer...
Merry [belated] Christmas, dear readers!!!! (: Hope you had a wonderful day surrounded by family and friends...I sure did!
Christmas morning, I was woken up bright and early by my husband, whispering sweet nothings and stroking my hair.
"I'm up..I'm up...," I mumbled, my eyes still squeezed shut as I stretched. I didn't see him, so I accidentally smacked him in the face with my fist, while I was stretching my arms out. "Oh! Good grief. I am so sorry...are you okay?" My eyes opened then, that's for sure! Ugh.
He had his nose covered tenderly, but he nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," he chuckled.
"I am so, so sorry. Here, let me look-" I turned towards him and then knelt, trying to pull his hand away.
"I'm fine, and no, you don't need to look at my nose, dearest girl." He rubbed it and then dropped his hand away from his nose. I leaned down to give the tip of his nose a kiss, and he grinned. "Well...time to get up?"
I nodded, standing up. "I'll be right back, after I change into my dress and brush this ratty hair of mine."
He chuckled, nodding, but then he shot upright. "Wait a second, hon."
"Wh-" I started to ask why, but he hurried off of the shelf and jumped into the drawer beneath us.
He soon re-appeared, with something held clumsily behind his back.
When he came up to me again, he gave me a sheepish grin. "Tangled Fan made this at my request, but she let me choose the fabric color. I-I..hope you like it." His face turned absolutely beet red and he pulled whatever it was out from behind him.
It was a dress; simple, yet nice, made of a soft and beautiful purple fabric.
I gasped. "Oh my gosh, Eugene. It's beautiful!" I exclaimed...and then immediately felt bad. I'd wanted to do something for him for Christmas, but I hadn't been able to figure out what to get or make. "But...I am so sorry...I wanted to get something for you, too, but I didn't know what, and I didn't want to ask you, because I wanted it to be a surprise, and-"
He grinned, pulled me close, and rested his forehead up against mine. "That's fine, sweetie."
He kissed my forehead. "Nope...no but's."
I laughed, reaching up to give him a quick kiss. "Thank you. I love it." I gave him a hug, and he gave me a wink.
"If I get all this for just a dress, I'll have to give you stuff more often!" He joked, and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, no." I told him, and he tickled my side, a mischievous gleam in his eye. "Hey!" I exclaimed, giggling and pulling away from him.
He laughed, and then I hurried to change into my new dress and brush my hair.
When I'd finished up, Eugene promptly gave me a broad smile.
"Give me a twirl?"
Not thinking, I gave a twirl.
And paid for it.
Standing near the edge of the shelf, I stumbled over my own feet and almost fell out onto the deck.
Eugene, thinking fast, grabbed my arm and hauled me back into the shelf.
"Are you okay?" He asked, and I nodded.
"I can't believe myself," I laughed, embarrassed.
He chuckled. "Next time I ask you to spin? Don't...Okay?"
"Okay." I agreed, straight-faced for a moment before I laughed again.
And then we heard a loud, inaudible yell; slightly British sounding?
Eugene and I both went silent.
"...Why I had to end up here, with such giggling numbskulls, I will never know!" I gave Eugene a blank stare, keeping an ear turned towards the voice as it continued. "And why must I be so small? Placed upon an electronic device as this; with no way to get down! What a pathetic human!"
"Let's go look," I whispered to Eugene, and he gave me a horrified look.
"I don't think-"
"I do! It must be a new doll. I don't want it to be alone for Christmas!" I told him, grabbing his hand and stepping out onto the deck to look on the printer.
A tiny figurine paced up and down on the top of the printer, grumbling quietly now. A definite British accent tinted his words, and he had very odd clothes painted on.
I remembered looking on Tangled Fan's Pinterest account. Pictures of an actual human, dressed similarly to this doll, had been on her account. If I remembered correctly...Loki from the movie, The Avengers?
Quite frankly, I had no idea why she would even like the villain from any movie, but she DID like his character.
But regardless.
"Hello," I called quietly, wondering if I should even be doing this. Eugene had probably been right - we should've left him be. I turned and saw him standing stiffly behind me, eyes wide with shyness.
The teensy doll, who seemingly towered over us, whirled around and stomped towards me.
"YOU! Are you the being whose maniacal giggling woke me?"
I shrank back. "Sorry! Are y-y..you new here?"
"I wish I would have stayed at my other place. They didn't take me out of my prison, but they also didn't have tons of...of YOUR kind, pathetic little PRINCESSES, surrounding me! I was kept in some dark place until yesterday night. I was pleased to have gotten free from my prison, but now..THIS."
"I'm sorry," I mumbled again, taken aback by his not-so-pleasant attitude. "A-are you Lo-"
"I am Loki. Yes. You, like most others, probably only know me because I am the adopted brother of Thor. Tell me, Thor is not here, is he?"
"N-no...At least, I don't think so. I don't really know what he looks like." I cleared my throat and glanced back at Eugene, who was still staring.
"And could you assist me by removing me from this...electronic device? I cannot stand being up here any longer!"
I started to nod, but then I reconsidered. What kind of mayhem would he release, if he could get down from the printer? Plus, he was so tiny...
"Sorry, but I-I honestly don't think that's a good idea. Trust me, we've almost gotten stepped on before; you're so little, you would be-"
"Crushed? Ah! Well. At least I would not be up HERE."
I quirked a brow, but then turned towards Eugene. He shrugged, so I reached up towards him, urging him to come over. He did, and I quite uncomfortably lifted him down off of the printer.
"If you...want...you can come and spend Christmas with us," I offered, even though I wasn't necessarily sure if I WANTED to be around him for Christmas! He seemed pretty...unhappy about his current living situation. I didn't tell him that Tangled Fan would put him right back up on the printer once she saw he was off of it. "We live right in this shelf."
He didn't answer. That boy might just be a few inches tall, but he was on a mission. He was also very agile, for his size - just made me laugh at myself for my lack of grace.
"O-okay." I told Eugene. "I applaud him for his efforts."
He laughed, snapping out of his initial shock from meeting Loki. He slung an arm around my shoulders and led me back into the shelf, where we spent the rest of the day. Anna, Kristoff, Elsa (Anna and Elsa did NOT come at the same time...uh oh. I'm thinking that things are NOT getting better between them...) and Hans came down for a little bit as well. All in all, it was a wonderful day, spent with my sweet hubby and the best friends a doll could ask for! (:
Christmas morning, I was woken up bright and early by my husband, whispering sweet nothings and stroking my hair.
"I'm up..I'm up...," I mumbled, my eyes still squeezed shut as I stretched. I didn't see him, so I accidentally smacked him in the face with my fist, while I was stretching my arms out. "Oh! Good grief. I am so sorry...are you okay?" My eyes opened then, that's for sure! Ugh.
He had his nose covered tenderly, but he nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," he chuckled.
"I am so, so sorry. Here, let me look-" I turned towards him and then knelt, trying to pull his hand away.
"I'm fine, and no, you don't need to look at my nose, dearest girl." He rubbed it and then dropped his hand away from his nose. I leaned down to give the tip of his nose a kiss, and he grinned. "Well...time to get up?"
I nodded, standing up. "I'll be right back, after I change into my dress and brush this ratty hair of mine."
He chuckled, nodding, but then he shot upright. "Wait a second, hon."
"Wh-" I started to ask why, but he hurried off of the shelf and jumped into the drawer beneath us.
He soon re-appeared, with something held clumsily behind his back.
When he came up to me again, he gave me a sheepish grin. "Tangled Fan made this at my request, but she let me choose the fabric color. I-I..hope you like it." His face turned absolutely beet red and he pulled whatever it was out from behind him.
It was a dress; simple, yet nice, made of a soft and beautiful purple fabric.
I gasped. "Oh my gosh, Eugene. It's beautiful!" I exclaimed...and then immediately felt bad. I'd wanted to do something for him for Christmas, but I hadn't been able to figure out what to get or make. "But...I am so sorry...I wanted to get something for you, too, but I didn't know what, and I didn't want to ask you, because I wanted it to be a surprise, and-"
He grinned, pulled me close, and rested his forehead up against mine. "That's fine, sweetie."
He kissed my forehead. "Nope...no but's."
I laughed, reaching up to give him a quick kiss. "Thank you. I love it." I gave him a hug, and he gave me a wink.
"If I get all this for just a dress, I'll have to give you stuff more often!" He joked, and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, no." I told him, and he tickled my side, a mischievous gleam in his eye. "Hey!" I exclaimed, giggling and pulling away from him.
He laughed, and then I hurried to change into my new dress and brush my hair.
When I'd finished up, Eugene promptly gave me a broad smile.
"Give me a twirl?"
Not thinking, I gave a twirl.
And paid for it.
Standing near the edge of the shelf, I stumbled over my own feet and almost fell out onto the deck.
Eugene, thinking fast, grabbed my arm and hauled me back into the shelf.
"Are you okay?" He asked, and I nodded.
"I can't believe myself," I laughed, embarrassed.
He chuckled. "Next time I ask you to spin? Don't...Okay?"
"Okay." I agreed, straight-faced for a moment before I laughed again.
And then we heard a loud, inaudible yell; slightly British sounding?
Eugene and I both went silent.
"...Why I had to end up here, with such giggling numbskulls, I will never know!" I gave Eugene a blank stare, keeping an ear turned towards the voice as it continued. "And why must I be so small? Placed upon an electronic device as this; with no way to get down! What a pathetic human!"
"Let's go look," I whispered to Eugene, and he gave me a horrified look.
"I don't think-"
"I do! It must be a new doll. I don't want it to be alone for Christmas!" I told him, grabbing his hand and stepping out onto the deck to look on the printer.
A tiny figurine paced up and down on the top of the printer, grumbling quietly now. A definite British accent tinted his words, and he had very odd clothes painted on.
I remembered looking on Tangled Fan's Pinterest account. Pictures of an actual human, dressed similarly to this doll, had been on her account. If I remembered correctly...Loki from the movie, The Avengers?
Quite frankly, I had no idea why she would even like the villain from any movie, but she DID like his character.
But regardless.
"Hello," I called quietly, wondering if I should even be doing this. Eugene had probably been right - we should've left him be. I turned and saw him standing stiffly behind me, eyes wide with shyness.
The teensy doll, who seemingly towered over us, whirled around and stomped towards me.
"YOU! Are you the being whose maniacal giggling woke me?"
I shrank back. "Sorry! Are y-y..you new here?"
"I wish I would have stayed at my other place. They didn't take me out of my prison, but they also didn't have tons of...of YOUR kind, pathetic little PRINCESSES, surrounding me! I was kept in some dark place until yesterday night. I was pleased to have gotten free from my prison, but now..THIS."
"I'm sorry," I mumbled again, taken aback by his not-so-pleasant attitude. "A-are you Lo-"
"I am Loki. Yes. You, like most others, probably only know me because I am the adopted brother of Thor. Tell me, Thor is not here, is he?"
"N-no...At least, I don't think so. I don't really know what he looks like." I cleared my throat and glanced back at Eugene, who was still staring.
"And could you assist me by removing me from this...electronic device? I cannot stand being up here any longer!"
I started to nod, but then I reconsidered. What kind of mayhem would he release, if he could get down from the printer? Plus, he was so tiny...
"Sorry, but I-I honestly don't think that's a good idea. Trust me, we've almost gotten stepped on before; you're so little, you would be-"
"Crushed? Ah! Well. At least I would not be up HERE."
I quirked a brow, but then turned towards Eugene. He shrugged, so I reached up towards him, urging him to come over. He did, and I quite uncomfortably lifted him down off of the printer.
"If you...want...you can come and spend Christmas with us," I offered, even though I wasn't necessarily sure if I WANTED to be around him for Christmas! He seemed pretty...unhappy about his current living situation. I didn't tell him that Tangled Fan would put him right back up on the printer once she saw he was off of it. "We live right in this shelf."
He didn't answer. That boy might just be a few inches tall, but he was on a mission. He was also very agile, for his size - just made me laugh at myself for my lack of grace.
"O-okay." I told Eugene. "I applaud him for his efforts."
He laughed, snapping out of his initial shock from meeting Loki. He slung an arm around my shoulders and led me back into the shelf, where we spent the rest of the day. Anna, Kristoff, Elsa (Anna and Elsa did NOT come at the same time...uh oh. I'm thinking that things are NOT getting better between them...) and Hans came down for a little bit as well. All in all, it was a wonderful day, spent with my sweet hubby and the best friends a doll could ask for! (:
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Sisterly Tensions...
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in forever... :( I wanted to spend the rest of my first week as a wife with Eugene, without the computer and such...last weekend, the internet was down to boot. And this week has been pretty boring. But regardless...
Apparently, ever since last Thursday, Anna's been blathering nonstop about Kristoff. (Of course, only when he's not around)....and tensions have been growing between her and Elsa. And there's something going on with Zelia. I don't know what, but there IS. I just know there is...but I don't want to talk to her enough to find out what the issue is.
But regardless.
Eugene and I were just relaxing around today, listening to the wind howling, and I was playing with Pascal, when someone knocked on the side of the shelf. Eugene stood up quickly, before I could even set Pascal on my shoulder, and told whoever it was to come in.
It was Elsa.
I hadn't seen her since...well, probably since the wedding, almost two weeks ago!
"Hey, Elsa!" I exclaimed excitedly, standing up to give her a quick welcome hug. But when I pulled away, I saw her face was distraught.
"Hey, Rapunzel...and hey, Eugene. How's married life, girl?" She asked me.
"It's pretty great. But I get a sneaking suspicion that you didn't come down to listen to how my married life has been thus far, right?" I asked, curious as to what was up. "Zelia and Punzie being...Zelia and Punzie?"
"No." She sighed, giving up on her attempt to appear fine, and I gestured for her to sit down. "It's Anna."
"She's quite pleased with her relationship with Kris, isn't she?" Eugene asked, chuckling as he came to stand beside me.
"A little too pleased. I mean, I'm happy for her, but good grief. He hasn't even proposed, it's not like anything's written in stone, but she's just constantly going on and on and on about him! When he's not around, of course, but still!" She sighed in obvious aggrivation.
"Well...you two aren't fighting over it, are you?" I asked, almost afraid of her response.
"Yes. We just...fought, and I just had to come down here. It's too tense up there. And she even told me that she wasn't surprised if I'd NEVER get married, because ...because of how I am." She grumbled.
Well then.
"I'm sure she was just upset. When she gets upset, she says things she probably should keep to herself. You know yourself that she probably doesn't mean that-"
"But it's true. Kristoff is - obviously - spoken for, and Hans is completely and utterly twitterpated over Piper. And that's the entire male doll population around here!" Elsa explained.
"Things will work out if they're meant to work out, Elsa," I told her, reaching to pat her shoulder. "I mean, look at Eugene and I. If we can-"
"Yeah. You and Eugene. You and, you and, you and. And then there's me. Thanks for the talk, I gotta go."
And with that, she just stood up and left.
We stared blankly at each other for a few seconds.
"Well, uh...what just happened?" I finally asked.
"I'm not entirely sure," was my husband's answer, as he glanced back towards the deck.
"All I know is that was a major fail. I was just trying to give her an analogy on how if WE could end up together, anything can happen..." I groaned.
He nodded. "Her emotions and nerves are probably really raw right now, so she probably doesn't even know what she wants right now."
I nodded. "Ugh. Am I being a bad individual if I say that I'm glad we're not up on that shelf?"
He laughed. "Nnnot necessarily..With those two, a twitterpated Hans and Piper, and Zelia and Punzie up there..., and Anna and Kristoff...and Emma...things are probably really interesting. And not in a good way."
I nodded. "Agreed. Should I maybe try to go up there and...mediate?"
His eyes widened. "Good grief, hon. No. We haven't been married two weeks yet, I'd like to keep you around a bit longer than that...and that'd be like walking into the middle of a pack of...of cougars or something!"
"Cougars don't travel in packs," I said, even though I started giggling at the thought.
He chuckled. "Well..you get the gist."
"Yes, I do. I'd be dead meat," I laughed.
"Mhm." He agreed. "Things will sort themselves out."
I knew that. But I'm just worried that things WON'T, and that Anna and Elsa's sisterly relationship would be ruined. =[ Oh boy. Well...we'll see how things turn out...!
Apparently, ever since last Thursday, Anna's been blathering nonstop about Kristoff. (Of course, only when he's not around)....and tensions have been growing between her and Elsa. And there's something going on with Zelia. I don't know what, but there IS. I just know there is...but I don't want to talk to her enough to find out what the issue is.
But regardless.
Eugene and I were just relaxing around today, listening to the wind howling, and I was playing with Pascal, when someone knocked on the side of the shelf. Eugene stood up quickly, before I could even set Pascal on my shoulder, and told whoever it was to come in.
It was Elsa.
I hadn't seen her since...well, probably since the wedding, almost two weeks ago!
"Hey, Elsa!" I exclaimed excitedly, standing up to give her a quick welcome hug. But when I pulled away, I saw her face was distraught.
"Hey, Rapunzel...and hey, Eugene. How's married life, girl?" She asked me.
"It's pretty great. But I get a sneaking suspicion that you didn't come down to listen to how my married life has been thus far, right?" I asked, curious as to what was up. "Zelia and Punzie being...Zelia and Punzie?"
"No." She sighed, giving up on her attempt to appear fine, and I gestured for her to sit down. "It's Anna."
"She's quite pleased with her relationship with Kris, isn't she?" Eugene asked, chuckling as he came to stand beside me.
"A little too pleased. I mean, I'm happy for her, but good grief. He hasn't even proposed, it's not like anything's written in stone, but she's just constantly going on and on and on about him! When he's not around, of course, but still!" She sighed in obvious aggrivation.
"Well...you two aren't fighting over it, are you?" I asked, almost afraid of her response.
"Yes. We just...fought, and I just had to come down here. It's too tense up there. And she even told me that she wasn't surprised if I'd NEVER get married, because ...because of how I am." She grumbled.
Well then.
"I'm sure she was just upset. When she gets upset, she says things she probably should keep to herself. You know yourself that she probably doesn't mean that-"
"But it's true. Kristoff is - obviously - spoken for, and Hans is completely and utterly twitterpated over Piper. And that's the entire male doll population around here!" Elsa explained.
"Things will work out if they're meant to work out, Elsa," I told her, reaching to pat her shoulder. "I mean, look at Eugene and I. If we can-"
"Yeah. You and Eugene. You and, you and, you and. And then there's me. Thanks for the talk, I gotta go."
And with that, she just stood up and left.
We stared blankly at each other for a few seconds.
"Well, uh...what just happened?" I finally asked.
"I'm not entirely sure," was my husband's answer, as he glanced back towards the deck.
"All I know is that was a major fail. I was just trying to give her an analogy on how if WE could end up together, anything can happen..." I groaned.
He nodded. "Her emotions and nerves are probably really raw right now, so she probably doesn't even know what she wants right now."
I nodded. "Ugh. Am I being a bad individual if I say that I'm glad we're not up on that shelf?"
He laughed. "Nnnot necessarily..With those two, a twitterpated Hans and Piper, and Zelia and Punzie up there..., and Anna and Kristoff...and Emma...things are probably really interesting. And not in a good way."
I nodded. "Agreed. Should I maybe try to go up there and...mediate?"
His eyes widened. "Good grief, hon. No. We haven't been married two weeks yet, I'd like to keep you around a bit longer than that...and that'd be like walking into the middle of a pack of...of cougars or something!"
"Cougars don't travel in packs," I said, even though I started giggling at the thought.
He chuckled. "Well..you get the gist."
"Yes, I do. I'd be dead meat," I laughed.
"Mhm." He agreed. "Things will sort themselves out."
I knew that. But I'm just worried that things WON'T, and that Anna and Elsa's sisterly relationship would be ruined. =[ Oh boy. Well...we'll see how things turn out...!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Snow Day (=
For the second day of our honeymoon, we got together with Anna and Kristoff to go outside.
It had snowed last week, and there was still at least six inches of snow -- actually, it was still snowing! So we got Tangled Fan to take us out. She set us on the grill and let us be for awhile.
As soon as we were set down, Eugene looked at his boots with remorse.
I quirked a brow and looked down as well.
The snow came up past the tops of his boots.
"Snow down your boots, eh?" I asked.
"Mmhmm." He shivered, and I giggled.
"You'll get used to it...my boots are already nasty inside," I reassured him.
He scrunched his face up and picked each of his feet up in turn. I grinned and reached to kiss his nose. With a chuckle, he pulled me close to his side. "Hmm..I'm feeling a bit warmer already."
Anna laughed at our antics, and then bent to scoop up some snow.
"Umm...Eugene? I think you want to duck right about now." I warned him, eying up Anna as I scooped some snow up as well, forming a ball.
She was focused on making a huge snowball, so I threw my own snowball at her while she was bent over.
It went right down the back of her shirt.
"Ohhhhh!!!" She shrieked, snapping upright. "Who threw that?!"
Everyone pointed to me.
She, attempting to appear mad, stomped over with her handful of snow, managing to jam it down the back of my own shirt. I was laughing so hard! I shook away from her and squirmed in discomfort over the snow. She giggled, starting to get another snowball ready.
"Ohh no you don't," I said, ducking behind Eugene. "Save me!" I squeaked.
He laughed. "You started it, hon."
"Gee, thanks," I said sarcastically, giving him a playful shove. He shoved me back, and I almost fell into the snow. He grabbed my arm and hauled me back upright before I could, though, apologizing...even though his eyes were dancing with laughter.
I grinned and glanced towards Kristoff. He was standing off to the side quietly, and was either looking nervous or was trying to keep quiet so Anna wouldn't go after him.
Unfortunately, Anna followed my glance. With a sneaky grin, she whirled around and threw the snowball at him. He backed up, tripped over his own feet, and fell into the snow with an 'oof!'.
We all laughed, and Anna just cackled.
"Hey. A little help over here, miss snow princess." Kristoff called.
She laughed harder. "I'm not the snow princess! That's my sister."
"Well, she's the queen, so you're...oh, just get over here!" He laughed, and Anna giggled, giving in to help pull him up.
"Thanks..." he mumbled something else, and nobody heard him. The poor guy's face was beet red.
"Huh?" Anna asked him.
"Love you."
She gasped. He looked away from her and his cheeks flamed even redder. Anna looked like she could either cry or punch him for surprising her.
I grinned and glanced up at Eugene, remembering when he'd told me the same thing for the first time. He gave me a one-armed hug, winking.
I watched them, waiting for what Anna was going to say.
"I-I..well, I love you too, then!" Anna said. "And THIS is for surprising me!" She added, giving him a shove hard enough to knock him back down.
"Hey!" He exclaimed, surprised.
"Oops! Sorry, sorry," she told him as she helped him up..again.
I giggled at Anna's antics. Until Eugene grabbed me from behind and tickled me, totally out of the blue. Shrieking, I jumped and yanked away from my hubby, whirling around to give him a surprised stare. But then I stumbled and almost fell off of the grill. I managed to catch myself, though, and Eugene grabbed my arm, hauling me back up.
"Thanks," I laughed, brushing at the snow on my shirt and skirt. While I was bent, brushing at my skirt, I scooped up some snow. Popping back upright, I creamed my hubby in the face with it.
"Hey! Not nice." He looked towards Anna. "Do you think we need to....oh, I dunno...inundate my wife with snowballs?"
I gasped. "You wouldn't. Neither of you would."
"Hmm. I think we should." Anna took a step towards me, grinning teasingly.
I noticed Kristoff hadn't agreed to do anything. "Kris! Save me!" I called.
"Think I'm gonna have to side with Anna and Eugene this time," he said, bending down to get a handful of snow.
I half groaned, half giggled as I hurried to hide behind Anna, putting my hands on her shoulders and keeping close behind her so at least she couldn't nab me with the huge, hard snowballs that she makes.
"No cheating!" Anna told me, quickly ducking away from me so she could whirl around and throw the snowball at me.
Unfortunately for her, the guys saw her start to duck away, and they took their opportunities to throw at me too. Just as she straightened, she got hit in the back of the head with two snowballs.
We both turned to look at the guys. Eugene had averted his gaze towards the sky; and Kristoff was giving my friend a sheepish, yet very un-sorry grin.
"Okay. Get them." Anna told me.
"Sounds like a plan," I agreed.
When we finally went back in, we were all freezing, and covered in snow. I couldn't feel my toes at ALL....and dolls should be able to feel their toes!
Tangled Fan gave us a couple of towels and put us back in her room on the floor by the door, and we all sat on the towels until we dried off somewhat. By the time we got back to our shelves, we were all tired, and it was completely dark.
"We'll see you guys another day," I told Anna and Kris, giving Anna a quick hug.
"What, I don't get one, too?" Kris asked, and I laughed.
Anna gave him a one-armed hug. "I'll give you one."
We all laughed, and then Eugene and I went into our shelf.
Pascal met us just inside the shelf, and I scooped him up, cuddling him to my cheek for a minute.
"Hey, buddy!" I exclaimed, grinning. He gave a happy little squeak, but then caught sight of Eugene. He launched himself from my hands, and landed right on Eugene's shoulder. "Whoa, I guess he likes you!" I giggled in surprise. It's bad when a chameleon has more gracefulness than a Disney princess doll...!
He scooped him up off of his shoulder, chuckling, and then I left to get out of my still-damp clothes and to brush my messy hair.
When I was done, I spread out our blankets. Eugene came over and hugged me from behind while I was doing so.
"What?" I asked, grinning and tipping my head to look up at him.
"Nothing," he said, giving me that adorable grin of his. "Love you."
"Love you too," I laughed, pulling away so I could finish.
When the blankets had been spread out, Eugene and I went to bed. When I sat down, I glanced towards the chair. Pascal was getting settled down in his chair again.
"Hey, Pascal! C'mere, buddy!" I said, patting the blankets. "Don't you wanna cuddle over here? It's cold over there, I bet!"
He tucked himself up into a neat little ball, rolled me a sideways glance, and then squeezed his eyes shut.
I turned towards Eugene. "Yup. He definitely likes the chair more than me," I laughed.
He chuckled. "Well...you can always cuddle with me."
Laughing, I punched his arm jokingly. "Jealous of a chameleon, Eugene? Seriously?"
"Possibly." He flopped down onto his back, and I rolled my eyes.
"You're pathetic." I giggled, laying down after I tossed the blankets up over us, and then I draped my arm around his chest, laying my head on his shoulder.
He laughed through his nose and wrapped an arm around me, stroking my hair. 'So, did you have fun today?"
"Mmhmm," I said, smiling into his shoulder. "Thanks for coming with, this time. Even though I know you weren't a fan!"
He chuckled. "Snow is not my most favorite thing in the world, but it was worth it, cause I was able to spend the day with ya."
I melted a little bit at that. "Hmm."
"So...do you think Anna enjoyed her day much?" He asked, after a couple of seconds of silence.
I laughed. "Oh, yeah. But don't you think they're going a bit fast? I dunno. It might just be me. They've only known each other for a couple of weeks, though!"
"Yeah. But just think.... We'd only known each other for a few weeks when I finally told you...even though I felt that way a lot sooner."
Well, there was that. "True. I guess they're not rushing, then...just me being weird!"
He chuckled. "Well, as long as they don't get engaged tomorrow. Which...with those two, I wouldn't be surprised. Anna's pretty quick to decide stuff, and Kris is as bad as she is."
I nodded. "Well...we rushed a bit when it came to the transition from engagement to marriage, so I guess I shouldn't judge."
"Our circumstances were different, though. And we would've been engaged a bit earlier if we hadn't have..you know. Gotten sick and broken up." He made an excuse.
I suppressed a yawn, snuggling up a bit closer to him. He adjusted his arm accordingly, nuzzling my hair. "I'm glad we're married, though."
"Me, too." He chuckled.
It had snowed last week, and there was still at least six inches of snow -- actually, it was still snowing! So we got Tangled Fan to take us out. She set us on the grill and let us be for awhile.
As soon as we were set down, Eugene looked at his boots with remorse.
I quirked a brow and looked down as well.
The snow came up past the tops of his boots.
"Snow down your boots, eh?" I asked.
"Mmhmm." He shivered, and I giggled.
"You'll get used to it...my boots are already nasty inside," I reassured him.
He scrunched his face up and picked each of his feet up in turn. I grinned and reached to kiss his nose. With a chuckle, he pulled me close to his side. "Hmm..I'm feeling a bit warmer already."
Anna laughed at our antics, and then bent to scoop up some snow.
"Umm...Eugene? I think you want to duck right about now." I warned him, eying up Anna as I scooped some snow up as well, forming a ball.
She was focused on making a huge snowball, so I threw my own snowball at her while she was bent over.
It went right down the back of her shirt.
"Ohhhhh!!!" She shrieked, snapping upright. "Who threw that?!"
Everyone pointed to me.
She, attempting to appear mad, stomped over with her handful of snow, managing to jam it down the back of my own shirt. I was laughing so hard! I shook away from her and squirmed in discomfort over the snow. She giggled, starting to get another snowball ready.
"Ohh no you don't," I said, ducking behind Eugene. "Save me!" I squeaked.
He laughed. "You started it, hon."
"Gee, thanks," I said sarcastically, giving him a playful shove. He shoved me back, and I almost fell into the snow. He grabbed my arm and hauled me back upright before I could, though, apologizing...even though his eyes were dancing with laughter.
I grinned and glanced towards Kristoff. He was standing off to the side quietly, and was either looking nervous or was trying to keep quiet so Anna wouldn't go after him.
Unfortunately, Anna followed my glance. With a sneaky grin, she whirled around and threw the snowball at him. He backed up, tripped over his own feet, and fell into the snow with an 'oof!'.
We all laughed, and Anna just cackled.
"Hey. A little help over here, miss snow princess." Kristoff called.
She laughed harder. "I'm not the snow princess! That's my sister."
"Well, she's the queen, so you're...oh, just get over here!" He laughed, and Anna giggled, giving in to help pull him up.
"Thanks..." he mumbled something else, and nobody heard him. The poor guy's face was beet red.
"Huh?" Anna asked him.
"Love you."
She gasped. He looked away from her and his cheeks flamed even redder. Anna looked like she could either cry or punch him for surprising her.
I grinned and glanced up at Eugene, remembering when he'd told me the same thing for the first time. He gave me a one-armed hug, winking.
I watched them, waiting for what Anna was going to say.
"I-I..well, I love you too, then!" Anna said. "And THIS is for surprising me!" She added, giving him a shove hard enough to knock him back down.
"Hey!" He exclaimed, surprised.
"Oops! Sorry, sorry," she told him as she helped him up..again.
I giggled at Anna's antics. Until Eugene grabbed me from behind and tickled me, totally out of the blue. Shrieking, I jumped and yanked away from my hubby, whirling around to give him a surprised stare. But then I stumbled and almost fell off of the grill. I managed to catch myself, though, and Eugene grabbed my arm, hauling me back up.
"Thanks," I laughed, brushing at the snow on my shirt and skirt. While I was bent, brushing at my skirt, I scooped up some snow. Popping back upright, I creamed my hubby in the face with it.
"Hey! Not nice." He looked towards Anna. "Do you think we need to....oh, I dunno...inundate my wife with snowballs?"
I gasped. "You wouldn't. Neither of you would."
"Hmm. I think we should." Anna took a step towards me, grinning teasingly.
I noticed Kristoff hadn't agreed to do anything. "Kris! Save me!" I called.
"Think I'm gonna have to side with Anna and Eugene this time," he said, bending down to get a handful of snow.
I half groaned, half giggled as I hurried to hide behind Anna, putting my hands on her shoulders and keeping close behind her so at least she couldn't nab me with the huge, hard snowballs that she makes.
"No cheating!" Anna told me, quickly ducking away from me so she could whirl around and throw the snowball at me.
Unfortunately for her, the guys saw her start to duck away, and they took their opportunities to throw at me too. Just as she straightened, she got hit in the back of the head with two snowballs.
We both turned to look at the guys. Eugene had averted his gaze towards the sky; and Kristoff was giving my friend a sheepish, yet very un-sorry grin.
"Okay. Get them." Anna told me.
"Sounds like a plan," I agreed.
When we finally went back in, we were all freezing, and covered in snow. I couldn't feel my toes at ALL....and dolls should be able to feel their toes!
Tangled Fan gave us a couple of towels and put us back in her room on the floor by the door, and we all sat on the towels until we dried off somewhat. By the time we got back to our shelves, we were all tired, and it was completely dark.
"We'll see you guys another day," I told Anna and Kris, giving Anna a quick hug.
"What, I don't get one, too?" Kris asked, and I laughed.
Anna gave him a one-armed hug. "I'll give you one."
We all laughed, and then Eugene and I went into our shelf.
Pascal met us just inside the shelf, and I scooped him up, cuddling him to my cheek for a minute.
"Hey, buddy!" I exclaimed, grinning. He gave a happy little squeak, but then caught sight of Eugene. He launched himself from my hands, and landed right on Eugene's shoulder. "Whoa, I guess he likes you!" I giggled in surprise. It's bad when a chameleon has more gracefulness than a Disney princess doll...!
He scooped him up off of his shoulder, chuckling, and then I left to get out of my still-damp clothes and to brush my messy hair.
When I was done, I spread out our blankets. Eugene came over and hugged me from behind while I was doing so.
"What?" I asked, grinning and tipping my head to look up at him.
"Nothing," he said, giving me that adorable grin of his. "Love you."
"Love you too," I laughed, pulling away so I could finish.
When the blankets had been spread out, Eugene and I went to bed. When I sat down, I glanced towards the chair. Pascal was getting settled down in his chair again.
"Hey, Pascal! C'mere, buddy!" I said, patting the blankets. "Don't you wanna cuddle over here? It's cold over there, I bet!"
He tucked himself up into a neat little ball, rolled me a sideways glance, and then squeezed his eyes shut.
I turned towards Eugene. "Yup. He definitely likes the chair more than me," I laughed.
He chuckled. "Well...you can always cuddle with me."
Laughing, I punched his arm jokingly. "Jealous of a chameleon, Eugene? Seriously?"
"Possibly." He flopped down onto his back, and I rolled my eyes.
"You're pathetic." I giggled, laying down after I tossed the blankets up over us, and then I draped my arm around his chest, laying my head on his shoulder.
He laughed through his nose and wrapped an arm around me, stroking my hair. 'So, did you have fun today?"
"Mmhmm," I said, smiling into his shoulder. "Thanks for coming with, this time. Even though I know you weren't a fan!"
He chuckled. "Snow is not my most favorite thing in the world, but it was worth it, cause I was able to spend the day with ya."
I melted a little bit at that. "Hmm."
"So...do you think Anna enjoyed her day much?" He asked, after a couple of seconds of silence.
I laughed. "Oh, yeah. But don't you think they're going a bit fast? I dunno. It might just be me. They've only known each other for a couple of weeks, though!"
"Yeah. But just think.... We'd only known each other for a few weeks when I finally told you...even though I felt that way a lot sooner."
Well, there was that. "True. I guess they're not rushing, then...just me being weird!"
He chuckled. "Well, as long as they don't get engaged tomorrow. Which...with those two, I wouldn't be surprised. Anna's pretty quick to decide stuff, and Kris is as bad as she is."
I nodded. "Well...we rushed a bit when it came to the transition from engagement to marriage, so I guess I shouldn't judge."
"Our circumstances were different, though. And we would've been engaged a bit earlier if we hadn't have..you know. Gotten sick and broken up." He made an excuse.
I suppressed a yawn, snuggling up a bit closer to him. He adjusted his arm accordingly, nuzzling my hair. "I'm glad we're married, though."
"Me, too." He chuckled.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Read the Day Away.. (:
This morning, I woke up at eight; even though I hadn't gotten much sleep last night. I was curled up on my side, facing him, and my hubby was still asleep. His arm was draped loosely around me, though, so I tried not to move very much. Which is hard. It seems like when you try to be still...you keep getting itchy or squirming... =D
After a few minutes, though, he woke up. He stretched, groaning, and I watched him with a grin. He turned to look at me, and promptly rolled onto his side, facing me.
"Hmmm...what a gorgeous sight to wake up to," he told me, and I laughed, my face getting red.
"Good morning to you, too." I laughed.
He put a hand on my side. "So...what does my stunning, gorgeous, sweet-"
"Eugene. Spit it out, please," I asked, my face getting horribly red. I wasn't used to this much attention.
"-wife want to do today?" He finished with a chuckle. "You don't have to get all embarrassed, you know...we're married, so we're not being inappropriate and honey, you need to get used to getting compliments, because I'm gonna give 'em to you." He winked, cupping my chin in his hand.
I laughed. "I know..it's just weird. Just remember that I haven't been exposed to that kind of stuff for the past three years, till I met you."
"Which means I need to shower you with compliments, to make up for what nobody else would tell you-"
"No-o-o-o....it means-" I started to playfully argue.
He pulled me close and into a kiss before I could continue.
I grinned and returned it, and when I pulled away, he gave me a grin.
"Mmmaybe I can get used to it," I winked, and he laughed quietly.
"But you never answered my question, darling."
I laughed at his use of 'darling' as I wrinkled my nose...I don't know why, but I just feel weird when he calls me 'darling'. Anyway. "Wellll....since I can hear the wind howling, it's probably too chilly on the floor to walk around for any length of time, so maybe we could just sit and read? It really doesn't matter to me...I just want to be with you."
"Reading sounds like an awesome idea. So, how did you sleep last night? You seemed to toss and turn quite a bit."
I shrugged my one shoulder. "I didn't wake you, did I? Sorry...I was up and down quite a bit, yes. It was probably because it's a strange place."
"Nah, you didn't keep me up. Was everything okay?"
"Yeah - like I said, it's probably because it's your shelf and not my usual."
He nodded. "Understandable."
I sighed, content, and he asked what was up.
"I just never even thought that I'd be blessed enough to spend the rest of my life with ya, that's all. Hoped, yes; dreamed, definitely...figured, no."
He chuckled, pulling me tight up against him. "Same goes for you, sweet girl. We're a couple of goofs, you know that?"
"Mhm." I agreed, pulling him into another quick kiss.
When our lips parted, I glanced around, wondering if Pascal was still on the chair.
He was. =D
"Pascal is STILL on that chair....!" I laughed in surprise.
"Oh, yeah. He loves that chair. He moped around on it a lot when...y'know. But he liked it before, too."
I sighed at the mention of that stupid breakup. "I'm sorry."
He kissed my hair and put his arm securely around me. "It's fine. I love you,"
I said it back to him, and we just stayed like that for a little while. Eventually, though, Eugene cleared his throat. I pulled away and sat up, stretching.
"I suppose we should get moving, huh?" I asked.
"Yeeeeahhh...I guess." He chuckled, giving me a tender gaze.
"My hair's a mess, isn't it?" I laughed awkwardly, trying to make conversation. "Welcome to what I look like in the morning. A trainwreck."
He chuckled. "You're a pretty gorgeous trainwreck, if you're a trainwreck. You don't look bad at all. Actually, I'm glad I get to see this every morning."
I rolled my eyes. "Oh, yeah right!"
"I am! To me -- and don't take this the wrong way, because you ARE beautiful on the outside, too-- but to me, beauty lies on the inside. And your eyes are the most innocent and beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Oh, and that smile --yeah, that one RIGHT THERE!" He broke off as I smiled shyly at the mention of my eyes. "You're just breathtaking."
I laughed. "I don't think so, but you're so sweet. Though, you might be laying on the compliments a bit too much..." I winked.
He reached to give me a quick one-armed hug. "M'kay...now...go get dressed or whatever so we can start our first full day as husband and wife. Otherwise, I'll probably go on to list everything else I like about you, and that may take all week."
I giggled, giving him a quick hug in return before I stood up. "Love you."
After I'd dressed in my regular purple dress, and brushed and braided my hair, I stepped out from behind the lamp. Eugene gave me that grin of his as soon as he saw me.
"Soo...you still want to read today?"
"If you want to, I'm all for it!" I exclaimed...maybe a bit too enthusiastically :D
He chuckled. "M'kay. I think Tangled Fan left a book on her dresser over by the shelf. Why don't you stay here and stay warm? You didn't get much sleep and it'll be a long walk, plus it'll be chilly on the floor."
I was immediately concerned. I was scared to let him go alone, especially since he would be climbing up and down on stuff by himself. Nobody would know if he fell and hurt himself. I was especially concerned, ever since he'd fallen with the alarm clock. "I can come with you," I said.
"You don't want to go down on the floor, do you? Trust me, it'll be COLD." He told me.
I knew that. "But um..."
"It won't take me long," he told me.
I didn't want to show my concern, because I figured I was being over-protective or whatever. I wrapped my arms around myself and nodded, biting my lip a second before I hurried over to him and gave him a hug. "Just stay safe, okay?" I mumbled into his shoulder.
He sighed and gently put his arms around me. "I see. You're worried that I'll fall, right?"
I didn't answer, not willing to admit my concern.
He planted a kiss in my hair. "Don't worry, my dear. I'll be righhttt back, okay? I don't want you trying to climb up and down stuff when you're tired."
I guess he did have a point...I was probably just being weird. He held me close until I pulled away, giving him a small smile. "Okay. How long do you think it'll be?"
"Half an hour or so," he told me promptly.
"Okay. If you take thirty-one minutes, I'm starting a search party." I joked. Kind of.
He put his hands on my shoulders and winked. "Or maybe I'll take the long route, take my sweet time..."
"Don't. You. Dare." I growled.
He laughed. "I won't, hon. I'll see you in a bit!"
"'Kay," I told him, giving him one more quick hug before he left.
When I was alone, I went over, scooped up Pascal, who was still on his chair, and curled up in the chair, settling Pascal into my lap.
Next I remember, I was getting covered up with one of the blankets. I blinked, yawning, and looked up to see Eugene giving me a gentle stare.
"Go back to sleep," he whispered, setting a hand on my shoulder.
I muffled another yawn as I spoke. "H-how long've you been back?"
"Just a couple seconds - long enough to cover you up. Sorry," he told me.
I stood up and reached to kiss his jaw, and as I did so, he pulled me snug to him. "So...my darling, I kind of have something I wanted to tell you. I was going to do this yesterday during our wedding, but I didn't want to say it in front of everyone."
I grinned at him, putting my arms loosely around his neck. "Mhm?"
"Well..I just...want you to know that through thick and thin, arguments, or whatever, I promise I'll be here for you. And if you're upset about something...tell me. No matter how silly you think it is."
I grinned, wondering what had suddenly urged him to tell me this. But I still appreciated him telling me this.
"Okay," I told him, grinning, and then we sat and read the day away. (:
After a few minutes, though, he woke up. He stretched, groaning, and I watched him with a grin. He turned to look at me, and promptly rolled onto his side, facing me.
"Hmmm...what a gorgeous sight to wake up to," he told me, and I laughed, my face getting red.
"Good morning to you, too." I laughed.
He put a hand on my side. "So...what does my stunning, gorgeous, sweet-"
"Eugene. Spit it out, please," I asked, my face getting horribly red. I wasn't used to this much attention.
"-wife want to do today?" He finished with a chuckle. "You don't have to get all embarrassed, you know...we're married, so we're not being inappropriate and honey, you need to get used to getting compliments, because I'm gonna give 'em to you." He winked, cupping my chin in his hand.
I laughed. "I know..it's just weird. Just remember that I haven't been exposed to that kind of stuff for the past three years, till I met you."
"Which means I need to shower you with compliments, to make up for what nobody else would tell you-"
"No-o-o-o....it means-" I started to playfully argue.
He pulled me close and into a kiss before I could continue.
I grinned and returned it, and when I pulled away, he gave me a grin.
"Mmmaybe I can get used to it," I winked, and he laughed quietly.
"But you never answered my question, darling."
I laughed at his use of 'darling' as I wrinkled my nose...I don't know why, but I just feel weird when he calls me 'darling'. Anyway. "Wellll....since I can hear the wind howling, it's probably too chilly on the floor to walk around for any length of time, so maybe we could just sit and read? It really doesn't matter to me...I just want to be with you."
"Reading sounds like an awesome idea. So, how did you sleep last night? You seemed to toss and turn quite a bit."
I shrugged my one shoulder. "I didn't wake you, did I? Sorry...I was up and down quite a bit, yes. It was probably because it's a strange place."
"Nah, you didn't keep me up. Was everything okay?"
"Yeah - like I said, it's probably because it's your shelf and not my usual."
He nodded. "Understandable."
I sighed, content, and he asked what was up.
"I just never even thought that I'd be blessed enough to spend the rest of my life with ya, that's all. Hoped, yes; dreamed, definitely...figured, no."
He chuckled, pulling me tight up against him. "Same goes for you, sweet girl. We're a couple of goofs, you know that?"
"Mhm." I agreed, pulling him into another quick kiss.
When our lips parted, I glanced around, wondering if Pascal was still on the chair.
He was. =D
"Pascal is STILL on that chair....!" I laughed in surprise.
"Oh, yeah. He loves that chair. He moped around on it a lot when...y'know. But he liked it before, too."
I sighed at the mention of that stupid breakup. "I'm sorry."
He kissed my hair and put his arm securely around me. "It's fine. I love you,"
I said it back to him, and we just stayed like that for a little while. Eventually, though, Eugene cleared his throat. I pulled away and sat up, stretching.
"I suppose we should get moving, huh?" I asked.
"Yeeeeahhh...I guess." He chuckled, giving me a tender gaze.
"My hair's a mess, isn't it?" I laughed awkwardly, trying to make conversation. "Welcome to what I look like in the morning. A trainwreck."
He chuckled. "You're a pretty gorgeous trainwreck, if you're a trainwreck. You don't look bad at all. Actually, I'm glad I get to see this every morning."
I rolled my eyes. "Oh, yeah right!"
"I am! To me -- and don't take this the wrong way, because you ARE beautiful on the outside, too-- but to me, beauty lies on the inside. And your eyes are the most innocent and beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Oh, and that smile --yeah, that one RIGHT THERE!" He broke off as I smiled shyly at the mention of my eyes. "You're just breathtaking."
I laughed. "I don't think so, but you're so sweet. Though, you might be laying on the compliments a bit too much..." I winked.
He reached to give me a quick one-armed hug. "M'kay...now...go get dressed or whatever so we can start our first full day as husband and wife. Otherwise, I'll probably go on to list everything else I like about you, and that may take all week."
I giggled, giving him a quick hug in return before I stood up. "Love you."
After I'd dressed in my regular purple dress, and brushed and braided my hair, I stepped out from behind the lamp. Eugene gave me that grin of his as soon as he saw me.
"Soo...you still want to read today?"
"If you want to, I'm all for it!" I exclaimed...maybe a bit too enthusiastically :D
He chuckled. "M'kay. I think Tangled Fan left a book on her dresser over by the shelf. Why don't you stay here and stay warm? You didn't get much sleep and it'll be a long walk, plus it'll be chilly on the floor."
I was immediately concerned. I was scared to let him go alone, especially since he would be climbing up and down on stuff by himself. Nobody would know if he fell and hurt himself. I was especially concerned, ever since he'd fallen with the alarm clock. "I can come with you," I said.
"You don't want to go down on the floor, do you? Trust me, it'll be COLD." He told me.
I knew that. "But um..."
"It won't take me long," he told me.
I didn't want to show my concern, because I figured I was being over-protective or whatever. I wrapped my arms around myself and nodded, biting my lip a second before I hurried over to him and gave him a hug. "Just stay safe, okay?" I mumbled into his shoulder.
He sighed and gently put his arms around me. "I see. You're worried that I'll fall, right?"
I didn't answer, not willing to admit my concern.
He planted a kiss in my hair. "Don't worry, my dear. I'll be righhttt back, okay? I don't want you trying to climb up and down stuff when you're tired."
I guess he did have a point...I was probably just being weird. He held me close until I pulled away, giving him a small smile. "Okay. How long do you think it'll be?"
"Half an hour or so," he told me promptly.
"Okay. If you take thirty-one minutes, I'm starting a search party." I joked. Kind of.
He put his hands on my shoulders and winked. "Or maybe I'll take the long route, take my sweet time..."
"Don't. You. Dare." I growled.
He laughed. "I won't, hon. I'll see you in a bit!"
"'Kay," I told him, giving him one more quick hug before he left.
When I was alone, I went over, scooped up Pascal, who was still on his chair, and curled up in the chair, settling Pascal into my lap.
Next I remember, I was getting covered up with one of the blankets. I blinked, yawning, and looked up to see Eugene giving me a gentle stare.
"Go back to sleep," he whispered, setting a hand on my shoulder.
I muffled another yawn as I spoke. "H-how long've you been back?"
"Just a couple seconds - long enough to cover you up. Sorry," he told me.
I stood up and reached to kiss his jaw, and as I did so, he pulled me snug to him. "So...my darling, I kind of have something I wanted to tell you. I was going to do this yesterday during our wedding, but I didn't want to say it in front of everyone."
I grinned at him, putting my arms loosely around his neck. "Mhm?"
"Well..I just...want you to know that through thick and thin, arguments, or whatever, I promise I'll be here for you. And if you're upset about something...tell me. No matter how silly you think it is."
I grinned, wondering what had suddenly urged him to tell me this. But I still appreciated him telling me this.
"Okay," I told him, grinning, and then we sat and read the day away. (:
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Our Wedding Day!!
This morning, the day Eugene and I exchange our I-do's, I woke up bright and early....because Anna was shaking my shoulder excitedly, whispering.
"Get up, get up!! We need to get moving!"
I scooted out from under my blanket, groaning. I hadn't slept much last night...Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Hans, Piper, and I had stayed up until 3 in the morning, planning. "What time is it?"
"Eleven!! There's only four hours left till you get married!!" Anna exclaimed in an urgent whisper.
Four hours---Ughh..I'd overslept. Great!
My eyes flew open. "I'm up!"
Anna helped me to my feet, and all of us immediately started hurrying and getting things gathered and ready.
Zelia stopped me while I was folding and gathering my stuff. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I'm leaving!" I said, intending to not let her mood get in the way of this day.
"What are you talking about?!"
I didn't mean to spill it. I didn't want Zelia or Punzie to crash the wedding...but I spilled it.
"I'm getting married to Eugene, and there is nothing you can do."
"When?" Zelia asked, looking curious. She was probably just putting on a false face, in hopes I'd be naive enough to tell her.
Not today, Zelia.
"Soon." I said, turning away from her to grab my hairbrush.
"Could I maybe..." She started, and I whirled to look at her, waiting for her to say something horrible.
Her face held an expression I couldn't decipher.
"What?" I asked.
As soon as I'd seen the expression, it passed; leaving her normal, cold expression of indifference. "Nothing."
I rolled my eyes and hurried to get things done.
Once I got everything folded, gathered, and set, I ran down to Eugene's shelf, set everything in there, (I had Anna go down and make sure he wasn't in there before I did so...so as to not break tradition ;) ) and then the whole posse of us (everyone except Zelia and Punzie, of course) headed for Tangled Fan's dresser.
When we got there, Piper slipped behind that big Rapunzel cutout thingie on Tangled Fan's dresser (that's what is in the background...she sometimes freaks me out, she has so much Tangled junk. I mean, seriously. How much Tangled stuff can you bear to have plastered on your walls? But regardless.) Piper slipped behind that cutout thingie and changed into a different dress, so the wedding dress would be ready for when I had to slip into it.
And then two-forty rolled around.
I got into the wedding dress, and then carefully emerged from behind the cutout, trying not to trip or anything.
"Should I just wear my hair-"
"You'd be GORGEOUS with the veil and your hair in a braid like the one that Rapunzel from the movie wore." Elsa told me, motioning for me to turn.
I did, and she knelt behind me, as Anna and Emma worked on either side to make two smaller braids. When all that was done, Elsa fastened my engagement ribbon to the end of my braid.
When it was done, I tried to glance behind my shoulder. When I saw the braid, I gasped.
"It's gorgeous! Thank you so much, girls!" I exclaimed, reaching to hug everyone.
Elsa sidestepped my hug, motioning with her hand. "Give us a twirl!"
Caught up in the excitement of the moment, I did.
And I stumbled backwards.
Luckily, Elsa caught me before I could tear Piper's dress or anything!
Laughing, she helped me back upright. "Remind me to never ask you to twirl."
"Okay," I laughed, my face going red.
Anna pulled me over to her, set the veil on my head, and then gave me a big grin.
"It's two-fifty five. I suggest we go behind the cutout to wait for the guys."
I gasped. Butterflies erupted in my stomach.
It was really happening.
It was REALLY happening.
Oh. My. Gosh!
A few minutes later, I heard clomping around, and caught snippets of conversation.
I peered out from behind the cutout and gasped again, catching a glimpse of my fiance, who was talking with Hans. Whipping behind the cutout again, I turned to Anna.
"What if I'm making a mistake? What if I'm hurrying?! What if-"
"Oh, you'll be fine!" Anna laughed. "Don't listen to the butterflies. Butterflies don't know what they're talking about, anyway!"
I giggled giddily. "Okay. Kris!" I hissed.
He turned to her and nodded, giving her a grin. "Showtime. Everyone's here." I heaved a shaky sigh, and he peeked around Anna to look at me. "You ready for this? You're about as pale as your dress."
Anna linked her arm with mine. "C'mon, girlfriend. Time to get this show on the road!"
As soon as I stepped into sight, clinging nervously to my friend's arm, Hans took his position.
Eugene caught sight of me, and that special grin of his lit up his features. I could see his chest swell, and I gave him a shy smile.
I wanted to run, but Anna insisted on taking the few steps to my fiance nice and slow. She probably knew I'd fall on my face if I ran. =D
Eugene didn't waste any time. He immediately bent to give me a quick, gentle kiss, putting his arms loosely around my waist. Somehow, just that quick little kiss was enough to make my heart flutter. Okay, so maybe I'm being a bit sappy now.. ;)
When he pulled away, I gave him a huge smile, which he returned. Everyone clapped...and I think even the 18 inchers, who are on the top of our shelving unit, were clapping!
When we headed to the floor, Tangled Fan immediately came in to take some pictures of us....though I must admit, since it was somewhat dark in the room, the pictures didn't come out as nicely as I was hoping...oh well.
Who thinks the next wedding will be for these two? ;)
And virtually nobody was looking the right direction in this picture...oh well! =D
Everyone chatted for awhile, but after that, we all changed dresses and everyone else went back to their shelf.
"You can all come down to our shelf to visit whenever," Eugene called as the left, and Anna turned to give him a happy nod. When we were by ourselves a hundred percent, he turned to me with a big smile. "So...brand new bride of mine....how're you feeling?"
"Like I'm on a cloud. Probably the ninth one." I said, and he chuckled.
"Same here." He pulled me close, and I hugged him back. "You still up for that dancing lesson?"
"Oh. OH!" I exclaimed. "I forgot to make a playlist on the iPod-"
"That's fine," he told me with a smile. "It can wait, or we can just filter through the songs on the iPod."
"Okay," I said to the latter, and we went to get the iPod.
When we'd gotten our first song pulled up - Appropriately, I See the Light from Tangled- Eugene immediately started humming it, watching me.
"Good choice," he said.
I grinned and nodded before stepping over to him, my face getting warm.
"So we're gonna...umm...you put your hands like this...and I put mine like so...and follow my footsteps. Just like this..." I demonstrated, trying not to flinch when he almost stepped on my bare toes.
We muddled our way through I See the Light, but I was surprised at how quickly he was catching on.
"Annnd you're probably done with wanting to be my wife by now," he laughed when the song ended.
"No, no! You're actually pretty good!" I exclaimed, leaving his arms to start another song.
It was another slow song, and I think - no, I KNOW - he did better that time. He gave me a gentle gaze that I got lost into for the majority of the song, and when it was done, he bent to brush his lips against mine. I grinned, but my face started getting red.
"Y-you're getting better at dancing," I told him. "You only stepped on my toes a few times," I added jokingly.
He chuckled. "Sorry."
"It's fine. I'm not the greatest, either," I laughed.
We practiced to a few other songs, and he quickly got better at dancing. Although, I'm not sure if my toes will ever be quite the same again :P
After the fifth song, though, I asked if he wanted to do something else. It was nearing seven, so it was dark and the floor was getting really chilly.
"So..." I said. "What'cha want to do now?"
"Since it's dark, why don't we just head back to the shelf?"
True... I nodded.
I felt a twinge of reluctance, but then I remembered...I wouldn't have to go back to Zelia or Punzie!
We hurried back to the shelf, and I quickly slipped into my nightie, behind the lamp; after I'd set Pascal down on the floor to do as he pleased. When I had finally wormed my way back out from behind the lamp, Eugene was just finishing spreading both of the hankerchiefs out. He saw me and promptly came over.
"I'm not done yet - I have to brush my hair. Remember, you married a doll with 17" of hair to deal with," I laughed.
He chuckled. "Need any help brushing it?"
"Thanks, but I'm good, sweetie." I told him, and he gave me that grin of his as he watched me brush.
When I had finally set aside the brush, I leaned up against the shelf wall and glanced towards the window as I heard the wind start to pick up. "Gonna be a really cold one tonight, I bet!" I exclaimed. [Sidenote-I don't know if I've said about this before, but our shelves are on the 'cold' side of the room -- Tangled Fan's told us before that the wind hits on this corner of the room pretty hard, and so it's colder than the rest. Not sure how that works, but it's true about the cold part! =D Anyway.]
He nodded, stepping closer to me. I stood up straighter and looked up at him.
"Since I didn't get to carry you from the deck to the shelf..." he trailed off, and I laughed.
"You don't have to carry me, Eugene," I told him, but then he reached over and scooped me up. "Well...fine. As long as you don't drop me."
"Oh, I won't..." he told me, but I saw the impish glimmer in his eye.
"Don't. You. Dare." I told him, but then he pretended to drop me. I squealed, even though I should've seen it coming a mile away, and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.
He chuckled and put his arms around me a bit tighter before he turned and carried me to bed. Once there, he carefully sat down, still with me in his arms. I snuggled up against his chest instead of laying down to go to sleep, and he put his arms around me.
"So...my beautiful girl, did you enjoy your special day, and was it all you dreamed it would be?"
I sighed. "It was more than what I could ever dream. I didn't think I'd ever get married...and I didn't think it would be to you. But goodness, I spent plenty of days wishing -- I wouldn't let myself think about it too much, though, because I didn't want to get my hopes up just to have them destroyed. That's been the story of my life up until now, and I'll be forever grateful to you for...for being YOU."
He plopped a kiss in my hair, and when I tilted my head up to give him a smile, I saw what an affectionate gaze he was giving me. He proceeded to kiss my forehead, the tip of my nose, and then finally, our lips met for a sweet kiss that made my heart pound.
When I reluctantly pulled away, he gave me a smitten smile.
"And I'll be forever grateful to you for being YOU," he gave me a wink, and I giggled. "So...what do you want to do tomorrow?"
I thought for a minute. "I don't really care. I just want to be with you."
He chuckled. "Well, you're not easily pleased," he added sarcastically.
"Nope," I laughed.
We talked for awhile, just about anything and everything. Just like we used to. I loved every moment of it...I was home. Three long years as an unwanted doll, only liked by humans for a short while, and I was home. =]
Finally, he said we needed to get to sleep. I nodded, scooting off of his lap. I sprawled out on the bed for a second, stretching, but then I sat up to see Pascal was up on the wicker chair.
"Pascal, c'mon!" I called, patting my lap.
Glancing my way, he turned his back and plopped down on the chair, curled his tail over his face, and went back to sleep.
I turned to Eugene and laughed. "So he likes the chair more than he does me."
Chuckling, he shrugged. "He really, really likes that chair. I don't think he likes it more than you, though."
"Mmh," I said.
"So, how do you like being a missus?"
I flopped onto my belly, put my hands on top of one another on his chest, and then rested my chin on my hands. "I like it. A lot," I winked, and he grinned.
"I do too."
"YOU like being a...missus?" I joked - I mean, come on. He had walked right into that one.
"Alright, smarty...I like being your hubby. That better?"
I laughed. "Much better."
He gave me a gentle stare, and my heart squeezed.
In a moment, I got embarrrassed because I realized I was staring back, an earlier urge to kiss him resurfacing, and I cleared my throat and darted my eyes away.
"So, uhmm...." I trailed off.
He noticed my discomfort, and chuckled. "You don't have to be embarrassed. We're married and we're not doing anything inappropriate."
"Okay," I said before I pulled him into a kiss.
He returned it, but when he pulled away, his face was absolutely beet red. I laughed through my nose.
"Surprised much?"
"Actually, yes," he chuckled. "I wasn't expecting it. Not that I didn't enjoy it, though."
I giggled, thinking again about how glad I was to be with him again.
"I'm so glad you didn't give up on me," I sighed, my heart squeezing as I remembered that just days before, we hadn't been 'together'.
"I knew you were too precious to give up on," he told me. I could tell he wasn't being cocky or teasing, because he was gazing at me with such an honest and tender expression on his face.
"I just wish I would've realized how much you meant to me, before I messed up." I said, biting my lip as I thought about it.
"Hey. You didn't mess up, babe. If anything, it made us closer," he whispered, stroking one of my cheeks with his thumb before he pushed the hair out of my face.
I leaned over him to gave him a kiss on the cheek, and then I snuggled under the blankets, curled up on my side, and slung an arm across his chest.
"Good night," I told him.
"Night, sweetie," he told me before he wrapped me in his arms and held me close until I fell asleep.
At least...until I woke up again. And couldn't go back to sleep.
I didn't want to just lay around, unable to go to sleep, so I carefully slipped away from him and stood, making sure the covers stayed over him. When he stayed asleep, I crept over, fumbled around in the drawer below our shelf, pulled out the iPod, and typed this post.
And as I typed the last sentence, he just woke up, so I suppose I should try to get back to sleep before he wonders what's up! xD
"Get up, get up!! We need to get moving!"
I scooted out from under my blanket, groaning. I hadn't slept much last night...Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Hans, Piper, and I had stayed up until 3 in the morning, planning. "What time is it?"
"Eleven!! There's only four hours left till you get married!!" Anna exclaimed in an urgent whisper.
Four hours---Ughh..I'd overslept. Great!
My eyes flew open. "I'm up!"
Anna helped me to my feet, and all of us immediately started hurrying and getting things gathered and ready.
Zelia stopped me while I was folding and gathering my stuff. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I'm leaving!" I said, intending to not let her mood get in the way of this day.
"What are you talking about?!"
I didn't mean to spill it. I didn't want Zelia or Punzie to crash the wedding...but I spilled it.
"I'm getting married to Eugene, and there is nothing you can do."
"When?" Zelia asked, looking curious. She was probably just putting on a false face, in hopes I'd be naive enough to tell her.
Not today, Zelia.
"Soon." I said, turning away from her to grab my hairbrush.
"Could I maybe..." She started, and I whirled to look at her, waiting for her to say something horrible.
Her face held an expression I couldn't decipher.
"What?" I asked.
As soon as I'd seen the expression, it passed; leaving her normal, cold expression of indifference. "Nothing."
I rolled my eyes and hurried to get things done.
Once I got everything folded, gathered, and set, I ran down to Eugene's shelf, set everything in there, (I had Anna go down and make sure he wasn't in there before I did so...so as to not break tradition ;) ) and then the whole posse of us (everyone except Zelia and Punzie, of course) headed for Tangled Fan's dresser.
When we got there, Piper slipped behind that big Rapunzel cutout thingie on Tangled Fan's dresser (that's what is in the background...she sometimes freaks me out, she has so much Tangled junk. I mean, seriously. How much Tangled stuff can you bear to have plastered on your walls? But regardless.) Piper slipped behind that cutout thingie and changed into a different dress, so the wedding dress would be ready for when I had to slip into it.
We chattered excitedly while we all got ready. Everyone else eventually decided to just wear their normal clothes, but we experimented with a couple of different hairstyles, while Pascal slept on Anna's cape.
And then two-forty rolled around.
I got into the wedding dress, and then carefully emerged from behind the cutout, trying not to trip or anything.
"Should I just wear my hair-"
"You'd be GORGEOUS with the veil and your hair in a braid like the one that Rapunzel from the movie wore." Elsa told me, motioning for me to turn.
I did, and she knelt behind me, as Anna and Emma worked on either side to make two smaller braids. When all that was done, Elsa fastened my engagement ribbon to the end of my braid.
When it was done, I tried to glance behind my shoulder. When I saw the braid, I gasped.
"It's gorgeous! Thank you so much, girls!" I exclaimed, reaching to hug everyone.
Elsa sidestepped my hug, motioning with her hand. "Give us a twirl!"
Caught up in the excitement of the moment, I did.
And I stumbled backwards.
Luckily, Elsa caught me before I could tear Piper's dress or anything!
Laughing, she helped me back upright. "Remind me to never ask you to twirl."
"Okay," I laughed, my face going red.
Anna pulled me over to her, set the veil on my head, and then gave me a big grin.
"It's two-fifty five. I suggest we go behind the cutout to wait for the guys."
I gasped. Butterflies erupted in my stomach.
It was really happening.
It was REALLY happening.
Oh. My. Gosh!
Anna probably saw the panic in my eyes, because she giggled. "You'll be fine. Come on!"
She snagged my arm and hauled me back behind the cutout, so we could wait. A few minutes later, I heard clomping around, and caught snippets of conversation.
I peered out from behind the cutout and gasped again, catching a glimpse of my fiance, who was talking with Hans. Whipping behind the cutout again, I turned to Anna.
"What if I'm making a mistake? What if I'm hurrying?! What if-"
"Oh, you'll be fine!" Anna laughed. "Don't listen to the butterflies. Butterflies don't know what they're talking about, anyway!"
I giggled giddily. "Okay. Kris!" I hissed.
Anna stepped out from the cutout and leaned around to see. She glanced at Hans and Eugene, and then she swatted Kristoff's arm to get his attention.
"What time is it? Showtime?" She asked. He turned to her and nodded, giving her a grin. "Showtime. Everyone's here." I heaved a shaky sigh, and he peeked around Anna to look at me. "You ready for this? You're about as pale as your dress."
I laughed awkwardly. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. You just wait. You'll be a nervous wreck when you get married!"
He suppressed a chuckle, but I noticed his cheeks turning pink as he flashed a glance towards Anna. Anna linked her arm with mine. "C'mon, girlfriend. Time to get this show on the road!"
As soon as I stepped into sight, clinging nervously to my friend's arm, Hans took his position.
Eugene caught sight of me, and that special grin of his lit up his features. I could see his chest swell, and I gave him a shy smile.
I wanted to run, but Anna insisted on taking the few steps to my fiance nice and slow. She probably knew I'd fall on my face if I ran. =D
Eugene took my hands gently in his and gave me a broad smile the second I came up to him. I caught Hans flashing Piper, who was now sitting on Tangled Fan's tissue box with her sister, a little glance. Hmm..wonder who'll officiate THEIR wedding? Or maybe I shouldn't have been playing matchmaker when I was getting ready to get married myself! =D
We said our vows, and then Anna reached to untie the ribbon from my hair, handing it to me.
Do you know how hard it is to tie a knot with someone else? Especially if both your hand and his hand is shaking?! It took several attempts, a few 'oops's, and our faces were both red, but we finally got the ribbon knotted. =D And then Hans stepped aside as he pronounced us husband and wife. Eugene didn't waste any time. He immediately bent to give me a quick, gentle kiss, putting his arms loosely around my waist. Somehow, just that quick little kiss was enough to make my heart flutter. Okay, so maybe I'm being a bit sappy now.. ;)
When he pulled away, I gave him a huge smile, which he returned. Everyone clapped...and I think even the 18 inchers, who are on the top of our shelving unit, were clapping!
When we headed to the floor, Tangled Fan immediately came in to take some pictures of us....though I must admit, since it was somewhat dark in the room, the pictures didn't come out as nicely as I was hoping...oh well.
Who thinks the next wedding will be for these two? ;)
And virtually nobody was looking the right direction in this picture...oh well! =D
Everyone chatted for awhile, but after that, we all changed dresses and everyone else went back to their shelf.
"You can all come down to our shelf to visit whenever," Eugene called as the left, and Anna turned to give him a happy nod. When we were by ourselves a hundred percent, he turned to me with a big smile. "So...brand new bride of mine....how're you feeling?"
"Like I'm on a cloud. Probably the ninth one." I said, and he chuckled.
"Same here." He pulled me close, and I hugged him back. "You still up for that dancing lesson?"
"Oh. OH!" I exclaimed. "I forgot to make a playlist on the iPod-"
"That's fine," he told me with a smile. "It can wait, or we can just filter through the songs on the iPod."
"Okay," I said to the latter, and we went to get the iPod.
When we'd gotten our first song pulled up - Appropriately, I See the Light from Tangled- Eugene immediately started humming it, watching me.
"Good choice," he said.
I grinned and nodded before stepping over to him, my face getting warm.
"So we're gonna...umm...you put your hands like this...and I put mine like so...and follow my footsteps. Just like this..." I demonstrated, trying not to flinch when he almost stepped on my bare toes.
We muddled our way through I See the Light, but I was surprised at how quickly he was catching on.
"Annnd you're probably done with wanting to be my wife by now," he laughed when the song ended.
"No, no! You're actually pretty good!" I exclaimed, leaving his arms to start another song.
It was another slow song, and I think - no, I KNOW - he did better that time. He gave me a gentle gaze that I got lost into for the majority of the song, and when it was done, he bent to brush his lips against mine. I grinned, but my face started getting red.
"Y-you're getting better at dancing," I told him. "You only stepped on my toes a few times," I added jokingly.
He chuckled. "Sorry."
"It's fine. I'm not the greatest, either," I laughed.
We practiced to a few other songs, and he quickly got better at dancing. Although, I'm not sure if my toes will ever be quite the same again :P
After the fifth song, though, I asked if he wanted to do something else. It was nearing seven, so it was dark and the floor was getting really chilly.
"So..." I said. "What'cha want to do now?"
"Since it's dark, why don't we just head back to the shelf?"
True... I nodded.
I felt a twinge of reluctance, but then I remembered...I wouldn't have to go back to Zelia or Punzie!
We hurried back to the shelf, and I quickly slipped into my nightie, behind the lamp; after I'd set Pascal down on the floor to do as he pleased. When I had finally wormed my way back out from behind the lamp, Eugene was just finishing spreading both of the hankerchiefs out. He saw me and promptly came over.
"I'm not done yet - I have to brush my hair. Remember, you married a doll with 17" of hair to deal with," I laughed.
He chuckled. "Need any help brushing it?"
"Thanks, but I'm good, sweetie." I told him, and he gave me that grin of his as he watched me brush.
When I had finally set aside the brush, I leaned up against the shelf wall and glanced towards the window as I heard the wind start to pick up. "Gonna be a really cold one tonight, I bet!" I exclaimed. [Sidenote-I don't know if I've said about this before, but our shelves are on the 'cold' side of the room -- Tangled Fan's told us before that the wind hits on this corner of the room pretty hard, and so it's colder than the rest. Not sure how that works, but it's true about the cold part! =D Anyway.]
He nodded, stepping closer to me. I stood up straighter and looked up at him.
"Since I didn't get to carry you from the deck to the shelf..." he trailed off, and I laughed.
"You don't have to carry me, Eugene," I told him, but then he reached over and scooped me up. "Well...fine. As long as you don't drop me."
"Oh, I won't..." he told me, but I saw the impish glimmer in his eye.
"Don't. You. Dare." I told him, but then he pretended to drop me. I squealed, even though I should've seen it coming a mile away, and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.
He chuckled and put his arms around me a bit tighter before he turned and carried me to bed. Once there, he carefully sat down, still with me in his arms. I snuggled up against his chest instead of laying down to go to sleep, and he put his arms around me.
"So...my beautiful girl, did you enjoy your special day, and was it all you dreamed it would be?"
I sighed. "It was more than what I could ever dream. I didn't think I'd ever get married...and I didn't think it would be to you. But goodness, I spent plenty of days wishing -- I wouldn't let myself think about it too much, though, because I didn't want to get my hopes up just to have them destroyed. That's been the story of my life up until now, and I'll be forever grateful to you for...for being YOU."
He plopped a kiss in my hair, and when I tilted my head up to give him a smile, I saw what an affectionate gaze he was giving me. He proceeded to kiss my forehead, the tip of my nose, and then finally, our lips met for a sweet kiss that made my heart pound.
When I reluctantly pulled away, he gave me a smitten smile.
"And I'll be forever grateful to you for being YOU," he gave me a wink, and I giggled. "So...what do you want to do tomorrow?"
I thought for a minute. "I don't really care. I just want to be with you."
He chuckled. "Well, you're not easily pleased," he added sarcastically.
"Nope," I laughed.
We talked for awhile, just about anything and everything. Just like we used to. I loved every moment of it...I was home. Three long years as an unwanted doll, only liked by humans for a short while, and I was home. =]
Finally, he said we needed to get to sleep. I nodded, scooting off of his lap. I sprawled out on the bed for a second, stretching, but then I sat up to see Pascal was up on the wicker chair.
"Pascal, c'mon!" I called, patting my lap.
Glancing my way, he turned his back and plopped down on the chair, curled his tail over his face, and went back to sleep.
I turned to Eugene and laughed. "So he likes the chair more than he does me."
Chuckling, he shrugged. "He really, really likes that chair. I don't think he likes it more than you, though."
"Mmh," I said.
"So, how do you like being a missus?"
I flopped onto my belly, put my hands on top of one another on his chest, and then rested my chin on my hands. "I like it. A lot," I winked, and he grinned.
"I do too."
"YOU like being a...missus?" I joked - I mean, come on. He had walked right into that one.
"Alright, smarty...I like being your hubby. That better?"
I laughed. "Much better."
He gave me a gentle stare, and my heart squeezed.
In a moment, I got embarrrassed because I realized I was staring back, an earlier urge to kiss him resurfacing, and I cleared my throat and darted my eyes away.
"So, uhmm...." I trailed off.
He noticed my discomfort, and chuckled. "You don't have to be embarrassed. We're married and we're not doing anything inappropriate."
"Okay," I said before I pulled him into a kiss.
He returned it, but when he pulled away, his face was absolutely beet red. I laughed through my nose.
"Surprised much?"
"Actually, yes," he chuckled. "I wasn't expecting it. Not that I didn't enjoy it, though."
I giggled, thinking again about how glad I was to be with him again.
"I'm so glad you didn't give up on me," I sighed, my heart squeezing as I remembered that just days before, we hadn't been 'together'.
"I knew you were too precious to give up on," he told me. I could tell he wasn't being cocky or teasing, because he was gazing at me with such an honest and tender expression on his face.
"I just wish I would've realized how much you meant to me, before I messed up." I said, biting my lip as I thought about it.
"Hey. You didn't mess up, babe. If anything, it made us closer," he whispered, stroking one of my cheeks with his thumb before he pushed the hair out of my face.
I leaned over him to gave him a kiss on the cheek, and then I snuggled under the blankets, curled up on my side, and slung an arm across his chest.
"Good night," I told him.
"Night, sweetie," he told me before he wrapped me in his arms and held me close until I fell asleep.
At least...until I woke up again. And couldn't go back to sleep.
I didn't want to just lay around, unable to go to sleep, so I carefully slipped away from him and stood, making sure the covers stayed over him. When he stayed asleep, I crept over, fumbled around in the drawer below our shelf, pulled out the iPod, and typed this post.
And as I typed the last sentence, he just woke up, so I suppose I should try to get back to sleep before he wonders what's up! xD
Monday, December 2, 2013
Engagement Pics and Wedding Plans
This morning, it took me a few moments to remember why I had a ribbon tied to my wrist. When I remembered, a smile split my face and I pulled Pascal out from under my blanket, curling up on my side and setting him where I could see him.
"Well, buddy...Eugene and I are engaged! Did you ever see it coming?"
No answer, of course. He just gave me a dirty look before dashing back underneath the blanket.
I laughed - a bit too loud.
Anna sat up, giving me a groggy, yet amazed stare. "Did you just...laugh?"
"Uh-huh - sorry!" I whispered.
"That's fine! How did yesterday go?" She scooted over to sit by me.
I stuffed my hand under the blanket and attempted to look forlorn.
She started to sympathize, and then I silently held up my ribboned wrist.
She squealed, and I clapped a hand over her mouth. "Shh. Don't scream." She clamped both hands on top of mine, and gave me a hilariously excited stare. I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head. When the urge to scream must've passed, she dropped her hands away from her mouth, so I did the same thing. Unfortunately, her squeal woke up Kristoff, who was an extremely light sleeper. He came over, giving each of us a questioning look.
"Oh. My. GOSH. That's awesome, Rapunzel!! Congrats!!!" She exclaimed quietly.
I held my wrist up so Kristoff could get what we were squeaking about, and he nodded, giving me a broad, congratulatory smile.
"Thanks, guys," I grinned. "But don't let Zelia or Punzie know, okay? Tell Elsa and maybe Hans, but do NOT tell the other two - I don't trust them not to tell them."
She nodded ecstatically. "Your wonderful secret's safe with me! And Elsa. And Kristoff and Hans." Kris nodded in agreement.
I giggled.
"So how was it?!"
"Ah....simply amazing," I said, flopping onto my belly and propping my chin up on my hands. "We met at the chair, and he totally surprised me-"
"Like now?"
I gasped at the quiet voice, and the three of us turned to look towards the edge of the shelf.
None other than Eugene, of course. He gave me a huge grin the second he saw my face.
"I hope you don't mind. I just couldn't stay away from my girl any longer." He strode over, and I patted the spot beside me. He sat down and peered into my face. "And you're just as stunningly beautiful as you were before. Slightly more radiant, though."
I laughed. "You must have been truly desperate to see me, because I haven't brushed my hair yet and I'm still in my nightie."
The whole time, Anna gave us an indulgent smile and waited. I noticed Kris give her a quick glance.
"Well, I think you look simply beautiful." He whispered, tucking some hair away from my ear.
I gave him another smile and leaned up against him for a second before I turned back to Anna.
"So, fiance...you wanna help me tell the fairytale that was last night?"
"Okay. Starting off with where I broke you off at....SHE surprised ME. I wasn't expecting to see her there at allll."
"Yeah, but then he grabbed me up into this huge hug, which surprised me because that's just not Eugene-"
"Dolls do crazy stuff when you're desperate to see someone. And would you believe she said she missed her chameleon before she admitted she'd missed me, too?"
"Actually, yeah," Anna laughed quietly.
"So then he says that he'll always come in second to Pascal, but he'd take his chances as long as he could be with me...and then he just proposed right then and there, all in the same breath."
I glanced over to him, and his eyes shone as if it had just happened all over again.
"A good way to get Rapunzel to go all-out, freak-out mode? Propose to her unexpectedly."
"Understandable!" Anna and I both told him, and then we gleefully giggled. "Two great minds think alike! Jinx - double jinx!"
Eugene and Kristoff chuckled at our escapades, and then I continued. "And then we just went up to the windowsill and stargazed for I don't know how long. It was perfect. Just simply perfect."
I sighed, and Anna gave me a huuuuge smile.
"So, when's the date?"
"Huh?" I asked, confused for a moment. "Oh! We haven't talked about that yet. But um..would you be interested in being the maid of honor?"
She opened her mouth to scream, but clapped her hands over her mouth again, nodding excitedly.
I giggled quietly and then glanced around to make sure nobody had woken up.
What I saw was Pascal, making a beeline for Punzie.
I gasped, scrambling frantically to get my feet underneath myself. I dove towards him and grabbed him. That, dear readers, is called a close one; an EXTREMELY close one.
I plopped down wordlessly beside my fiance. He and Anna, who were in front of me, stared silently at me for a few moments before we all started to snicker. I tried not to laugh out loud; I really did....and then I snorted, and the four of us all lost it. Thank goodness we quieted down before anyone woke up.
"Do you want to be my best man, Kris?" Eugene asked him once we'd all settled down.
"Be a pleasure. Congratulations! Rapunzel, I wish you luck with this boy." He switched his attention towards me, and I giggled.
"Thanks. I may need it," I glanced at Eugene and teased.
"Mmmhmm. Sure." He chuckled.
"So...since you're here, if you wanna wait down on the deck, we can just leave now, after I get dressed and brush my hair out?"
"M'kay," he told me, giving me a grin.
Anna smiled at the both of us. "You two are SO cute together."
I giggled and Eugene reached to tickle my side. I jumped away and then gave him a shove. "Knock it off! Now..the sooner ya go to the deck, the sooner we'll be able to spend time together."
He chuckled. "I'm going, I'm going."
Once he'd left and I'd gone back behind the blanket we used as a curtain, I threw my dress on and brushed through my hair, braided it, and fastened my ribbon at the end...I don't think I'd ever gotten dressed that quickly before! As soon as that was taken care of, I got Pascal, told Anna I'd see her later, and then hurried down to the deck.
As soon as I got down there, Tangled Fan came swooping into her bedroom, cell phone in hand.
"Okay, guys! Heard you two got engaged last night. So...pictures!"
I laughed at her enthusiasm, but I groaned inwardly. I'd been expecting to spend ALL DAY with Eugene. By ourselves. Not with a human. But oh well. After awhile, we had fun with it...here are the best pictures.

[I just noticed in this picture...so THAT'S why we had to stop and refasten the ribbon in my hair. He was standing on it! =D]

After those few romantic shots, we'd gotten more comfortable, and therefore, transformed into big goofballs. He'd threatened to tickle me in this one...while I'm giggling and trying to shove his arms away... =D

Once we'd stopped laughing and being dorks in the last picture, Tangled Fan got us to cooperate long enough to take this pic.
When we got off of the windowsill and onto the floor, he gave me that grin of his. "I'm so glad to have the privilege of being with you right now, m'lady."
I laughed. "Same! I missed ya."
He winked. "Mutual. So...um...one question. Do you want to dance at our wedding? Cause I don't know how, and...yeah."
I shrugged. "We don't have to. I can teach you, though! Why don't I teach you after the wedding? I'm self taught, mostly...Flynn from my previous home coached me from the sidelines once in awhile. Kinda hard to teach someone to dance with a partner when their partner is the air!" I laughed.
"Hmm. Well, he didn't know what a wonderful girl you are."
I chuckled. "He probably knew....that I'm an awkward dork!"
My fiance stopped in his tracks, but I kept walking - until I hit the maximum length that our arms could reach, and my hand almost slipped out of his. He then attempted (poorly, but it was a decent try) to twirl me into him. I ended up stumbling backwards until I bumped into him back-first.
He chuckled. "Sorry. The movies make that look so easy."
I laughed. "That's fine."
Wrapping both of his arms around me, he nuzzled my hair. "Love you. And I can't wait till we're married."
I grinned. "Me neither! It just seems so surreal." I tilted my head back and to the side so I could grab a quick kiss. When I pulled away, he gave me that grin of his.
"Well, what do you want to discuss first?"
I thought for a minute. "Hm. Personally, I could just stay like this all day long."
He laughed. "I know. Same here. But that'd be a little weird."
"Agreed," I said, pulling away from him. I swooped in to kiss him on the cheek and then took his hand again.
He gave me a grin and a loving gaze. "So...m'lady, what all do we need to plan?"
My eyes widened. "I-I...never really thought about that before."
"Don't all girls dream about their weddings?" He asked, quirking a brow.
"Well, you do realize who you're asking, right? Anna does all the time -when she's not around Kris or Hans, of course. But, um...I never really thought about it, because I figured that after Flynn from that previous home, I was never going to piddle around with love anymore."
"Hmm...well, I'm glad you did." He told me. "Well...we have to decide who's coming, right?"
"Yeah. Should we invite the 18 inchers? I mean, they're pretty friendly. I've met them a couple of times. And of course, Anna, Elsa, Piper, and Emma. And Hans and Kristoff."
He gave me a mock-surprised look. "You mean you're not inviting Punzie and Zelia? Oh my gosh, you'll be heartbroken!"
I giggled and gave him a playful shove. "Yeah, yeah. Just simply heartbroken."
We sat down and chatted about evvvverything that needed planned. I mean, I guess I'm lucky, because from what I've seen online, human weddings are a LOT more involved! But goodness. I was ready to just have someone officiate our vows right as we sat here, and be married. xD
After awhile, I leaned forward to touch my toes, stretching my back and groaning. "I never thought about how much goes into a wedding...I never thought this much WENT into a wedding!"
He chuckled. "Why don't we take a break from all that?"
I was very quick to agree. "You, my fiance, are awesome."
He laughed again, and the second I sat up, I leaned back to rest my head up against his shoulder. He slung both his arms comfortably around me, and I sighed, thinking about how wrong I'd been to even think about breaking up with him.
This guy truly loved me, and I loved being around him, because it simply intrigued me about how his every action showed his happiness, love, and gratefulness that he was around me. I'd never been treated like this before, so I was just...the same way, I guess - grateful to be around him, happy, and loving -of course.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, until I glanced up at him again. "Um...so...when are we having it? I just realized that we've talked about everything except that little detail there."
"Well...I'd be just happy as could be if we'd wing it for tonight, but I KNOW that's not an option"-he added when my eyes about fell out of my head in surprise-"so..well...whenever you want."
"I WANT to right now, but I know that's not an option as well." I laughed through my nose and thought for a little while. When I spoke up again, I asked tentatively, "Maybe....tomorrow?"
He thought for a moment before is face split into a huge smile. "It could work! Why not?"
"I don't see any reason why not. All we REALLY need is a time, a place, someone to officiate, and...a dress..." I trailed off. "A dress! I won't be able to-"
"Piper's got a wedding dress, right? It doesn't matter to me, though. I don't have a tux or anything to change into, so you don't HAVE to be dressed up."
"Yeah, but we're hardly close enough to share wardrobes," I said. "And I do want to dress up."
"Why? I mean...you're pretty enough as it is."
I shrugged, not sure of how to reply; and my face heated up.
"Oh, you don't have to get embarrassed - it's true and you'll be hearing a lot more of that through your lifetime, sweet girl of mine."
I giggled. "Hm. But really....is that what we're going to do?"
"It's fine by me," he told me. I glanced up again to give him a grin, and saw he was already giving me a loving smile.
"Okay. What time?"
"Three? And do you want to ask if Hans would do the honors?"
"Sounds awesome! And yeah, I can ask him! Now, so as to not break tradition, we won't be able to see one another until that time tomorrow....so, would you be fantastic and invite the 18 inchers tomorrow?"
"Your wish is my command, m'lady. I'll talk with Tangled Fan about getting pictures and stuff too, okay? So you'll just have to arrange for someone to officiate and get your dress."
"You are awesome," I told him again, and he laughed.
"Why, thank you! Anything for my dear."
I nestled up against him a bit more - he seemed to gladly adjust his arms to keep them snug around me. I grinned up at him. "I am soooo glad to be back with you. Sorry for being a dork."
He chuckled. "Like I said before - you just reacted without thinking."
We stayed like that for awhile, chatting about anything in general and also the wedding, but once it started to get dark - it gets dark around five anymore, - we headed back to the deck.
"So...I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, darling. In about twenty-two hours!" He told me gently, giving me that cute grin of his.
"Yup! Can't wait!" I told him enthusiastically, reaching over to pull him into a quick, excited hug.
He started to bend to kiss me, but I leaned away. "Why don't we wait till tomorrow? Make it even more special."
"Well...I dunno if I'll be able to wait that long, but as you wish." He pulled away and instead gave me a wink.
I grinned. "See ya."
He nodded, giving me one last look before we parted ways until our big day.
"Well, buddy...Eugene and I are engaged! Did you ever see it coming?"
No answer, of course. He just gave me a dirty look before dashing back underneath the blanket.
I laughed - a bit too loud.
Anna sat up, giving me a groggy, yet amazed stare. "Did you just...laugh?"
"Uh-huh - sorry!" I whispered.
"That's fine! How did yesterday go?" She scooted over to sit by me.
I stuffed my hand under the blanket and attempted to look forlorn.
She started to sympathize, and then I silently held up my ribboned wrist.
She squealed, and I clapped a hand over her mouth. "Shh. Don't scream." She clamped both hands on top of mine, and gave me a hilariously excited stare. I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head. When the urge to scream must've passed, she dropped her hands away from her mouth, so I did the same thing. Unfortunately, her squeal woke up Kristoff, who was an extremely light sleeper. He came over, giving each of us a questioning look.
"Oh. My. GOSH. That's awesome, Rapunzel!! Congrats!!!" She exclaimed quietly.
I held my wrist up so Kristoff could get what we were squeaking about, and he nodded, giving me a broad, congratulatory smile.
"Thanks, guys," I grinned. "But don't let Zelia or Punzie know, okay? Tell Elsa and maybe Hans, but do NOT tell the other two - I don't trust them not to tell them."
She nodded ecstatically. "Your wonderful secret's safe with me! And Elsa. And Kristoff and Hans." Kris nodded in agreement.
I giggled.
"So how was it?!"
"Ah....simply amazing," I said, flopping onto my belly and propping my chin up on my hands. "We met at the chair, and he totally surprised me-"
"Like now?"
I gasped at the quiet voice, and the three of us turned to look towards the edge of the shelf.
None other than Eugene, of course. He gave me a huge grin the second he saw my face.
"I hope you don't mind. I just couldn't stay away from my girl any longer." He strode over, and I patted the spot beside me. He sat down and peered into my face. "And you're just as stunningly beautiful as you were before. Slightly more radiant, though."
I laughed. "You must have been truly desperate to see me, because I haven't brushed my hair yet and I'm still in my nightie."
The whole time, Anna gave us an indulgent smile and waited. I noticed Kris give her a quick glance.
"Well, I think you look simply beautiful." He whispered, tucking some hair away from my ear.
I gave him another smile and leaned up against him for a second before I turned back to Anna.
"So, fiance...you wanna help me tell the fairytale that was last night?"
"Okay. Starting off with where I broke you off at....SHE surprised ME. I wasn't expecting to see her there at allll."
"Yeah, but then he grabbed me up into this huge hug, which surprised me because that's just not Eugene-"
"Dolls do crazy stuff when you're desperate to see someone. And would you believe she said she missed her chameleon before she admitted she'd missed me, too?"
"Actually, yeah," Anna laughed quietly.
"So then he says that he'll always come in second to Pascal, but he'd take his chances as long as he could be with me...and then he just proposed right then and there, all in the same breath."
I glanced over to him, and his eyes shone as if it had just happened all over again.
"A good way to get Rapunzel to go all-out, freak-out mode? Propose to her unexpectedly."
"Understandable!" Anna and I both told him, and then we gleefully giggled. "Two great minds think alike! Jinx - double jinx!"
Eugene and Kristoff chuckled at our escapades, and then I continued. "And then we just went up to the windowsill and stargazed for I don't know how long. It was perfect. Just simply perfect."
I sighed, and Anna gave me a huuuuge smile.
"So, when's the date?"
"Huh?" I asked, confused for a moment. "Oh! We haven't talked about that yet. But um..would you be interested in being the maid of honor?"
She opened her mouth to scream, but clapped her hands over her mouth again, nodding excitedly.
I giggled quietly and then glanced around to make sure nobody had woken up.
What I saw was Pascal, making a beeline for Punzie.
I gasped, scrambling frantically to get my feet underneath myself. I dove towards him and grabbed him. That, dear readers, is called a close one; an EXTREMELY close one.
I plopped down wordlessly beside my fiance. He and Anna, who were in front of me, stared silently at me for a few moments before we all started to snicker. I tried not to laugh out loud; I really did....and then I snorted, and the four of us all lost it. Thank goodness we quieted down before anyone woke up.
"Do you want to be my best man, Kris?" Eugene asked him once we'd all settled down.
"Be a pleasure. Congratulations! Rapunzel, I wish you luck with this boy." He switched his attention towards me, and I giggled.
"Thanks. I may need it," I glanced at Eugene and teased.
"Mmmhmm. Sure." He chuckled.
"So...since you're here, if you wanna wait down on the deck, we can just leave now, after I get dressed and brush my hair out?"
"M'kay," he told me, giving me a grin.
Anna smiled at the both of us. "You two are SO cute together."
I giggled and Eugene reached to tickle my side. I jumped away and then gave him a shove. "Knock it off! Now..the sooner ya go to the deck, the sooner we'll be able to spend time together."
He chuckled. "I'm going, I'm going."
Once he'd left and I'd gone back behind the blanket we used as a curtain, I threw my dress on and brushed through my hair, braided it, and fastened my ribbon at the end...I don't think I'd ever gotten dressed that quickly before! As soon as that was taken care of, I got Pascal, told Anna I'd see her later, and then hurried down to the deck.
As soon as I got down there, Tangled Fan came swooping into her bedroom, cell phone in hand.
"Okay, guys! Heard you two got engaged last night. So...pictures!"
I laughed at her enthusiasm, but I groaned inwardly. I'd been expecting to spend ALL DAY with Eugene. By ourselves. Not with a human. But oh well. After awhile, we had fun with it...here are the best pictures.
And in this picture...after we'd gotten the picture before this one [the one with him and I standing with the end of my braid to show the ribbon]..he suddenly reached down and gave me a kiss. I was so surprised that I dropped the end of my braid xD

[I just noticed in this picture...so THAT'S why we had to stop and refasten the ribbon in my hair. He was standing on it! =D]

After those few romantic shots, we'd gotten more comfortable, and therefore, transformed into big goofballs. He'd threatened to tickle me in this one...while I'm giggling and trying to shove his arms away... =D

Once we'd stopped laughing and being dorks in the last picture, Tangled Fan got us to cooperate long enough to take this pic.
And then I jumped up onto his back. I think I surprised him, because he stumbled forward a coupla steps, laughing.
And after that, Tangled Fan decided she wasn't going to get many 'romantic' photos out of us and gave up, leaving us to our own devices =D
And after that, Tangled Fan decided she wasn't going to get many 'romantic' photos out of us and gave up, leaving us to our own devices =D
When we got off of the windowsill and onto the floor, he gave me that grin of his. "I'm so glad to have the privilege of being with you right now, m'lady."
I laughed. "Same! I missed ya."
He winked. "Mutual. So...um...one question. Do you want to dance at our wedding? Cause I don't know how, and...yeah."
I shrugged. "We don't have to. I can teach you, though! Why don't I teach you after the wedding? I'm self taught, mostly...Flynn from my previous home coached me from the sidelines once in awhile. Kinda hard to teach someone to dance with a partner when their partner is the air!" I laughed.
"Hmm. Well, he didn't know what a wonderful girl you are."
I chuckled. "He probably knew....that I'm an awkward dork!"
My fiance stopped in his tracks, but I kept walking - until I hit the maximum length that our arms could reach, and my hand almost slipped out of his. He then attempted (poorly, but it was a decent try) to twirl me into him. I ended up stumbling backwards until I bumped into him back-first.
He chuckled. "Sorry. The movies make that look so easy."
I laughed. "That's fine."
Wrapping both of his arms around me, he nuzzled my hair. "Love you. And I can't wait till we're married."
I grinned. "Me neither! It just seems so surreal." I tilted my head back and to the side so I could grab a quick kiss. When I pulled away, he gave me that grin of his.
"Well, what do you want to discuss first?"
I thought for a minute. "Hm. Personally, I could just stay like this all day long."
He laughed. "I know. Same here. But that'd be a little weird."
"Agreed," I said, pulling away from him. I swooped in to kiss him on the cheek and then took his hand again.
He gave me a grin and a loving gaze. "So...m'lady, what all do we need to plan?"
My eyes widened. "I-I...never really thought about that before."
"Don't all girls dream about their weddings?" He asked, quirking a brow.
"Well, you do realize who you're asking, right? Anna does all the time -when she's not around Kris or Hans, of course. But, um...I never really thought about it, because I figured that after Flynn from that previous home, I was never going to piddle around with love anymore."
"Hmm...well, I'm glad you did." He told me. "Well...we have to decide who's coming, right?"
"Yeah. Should we invite the 18 inchers? I mean, they're pretty friendly. I've met them a couple of times. And of course, Anna, Elsa, Piper, and Emma. And Hans and Kristoff."
He gave me a mock-surprised look. "You mean you're not inviting Punzie and Zelia? Oh my gosh, you'll be heartbroken!"
I giggled and gave him a playful shove. "Yeah, yeah. Just simply heartbroken."
We sat down and chatted about evvvverything that needed planned. I mean, I guess I'm lucky, because from what I've seen online, human weddings are a LOT more involved! But goodness. I was ready to just have someone officiate our vows right as we sat here, and be married. xD
After awhile, I leaned forward to touch my toes, stretching my back and groaning. "I never thought about how much goes into a wedding...I never thought this much WENT into a wedding!"
He chuckled. "Why don't we take a break from all that?"
I was very quick to agree. "You, my fiance, are awesome."
He laughed again, and the second I sat up, I leaned back to rest my head up against his shoulder. He slung both his arms comfortably around me, and I sighed, thinking about how wrong I'd been to even think about breaking up with him.
This guy truly loved me, and I loved being around him, because it simply intrigued me about how his every action showed his happiness, love, and gratefulness that he was around me. I'd never been treated like this before, so I was just...the same way, I guess - grateful to be around him, happy, and loving -of course.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, until I glanced up at him again. "Um...so...when are we having it? I just realized that we've talked about everything except that little detail there."
"Well...I'd be just happy as could be if we'd wing it for tonight, but I KNOW that's not an option"-he added when my eyes about fell out of my head in surprise-"so..well...whenever you want."
"I WANT to right now, but I know that's not an option as well." I laughed through my nose and thought for a little while. When I spoke up again, I asked tentatively, "Maybe....tomorrow?"
He thought for a moment before is face split into a huge smile. "It could work! Why not?"
"I don't see any reason why not. All we REALLY need is a time, a place, someone to officiate, and...a dress..." I trailed off. "A dress! I won't be able to-"
"Piper's got a wedding dress, right? It doesn't matter to me, though. I don't have a tux or anything to change into, so you don't HAVE to be dressed up."
"Yeah, but we're hardly close enough to share wardrobes," I said. "And I do want to dress up."
"Why? I mean...you're pretty enough as it is."
I shrugged, not sure of how to reply; and my face heated up.
"Oh, you don't have to get embarrassed - it's true and you'll be hearing a lot more of that through your lifetime, sweet girl of mine."
I giggled. "Hm. But really....is that what we're going to do?"
"It's fine by me," he told me. I glanced up again to give him a grin, and saw he was already giving me a loving smile.
"Okay. What time?"
"Three? And do you want to ask if Hans would do the honors?"
"Sounds awesome! And yeah, I can ask him! Now, so as to not break tradition, we won't be able to see one another until that time tomorrow....so, would you be fantastic and invite the 18 inchers tomorrow?"
"Your wish is my command, m'lady. I'll talk with Tangled Fan about getting pictures and stuff too, okay? So you'll just have to arrange for someone to officiate and get your dress."
"You are awesome," I told him again, and he laughed.
"Why, thank you! Anything for my dear."
I nestled up against him a bit more - he seemed to gladly adjust his arms to keep them snug around me. I grinned up at him. "I am soooo glad to be back with you. Sorry for being a dork."
He chuckled. "Like I said before - you just reacted without thinking."
We stayed like that for awhile, chatting about anything in general and also the wedding, but once it started to get dark - it gets dark around five anymore, - we headed back to the deck.
"So...I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, darling. In about twenty-two hours!" He told me gently, giving me that cute grin of his.
"Yup! Can't wait!" I told him enthusiastically, reaching over to pull him into a quick, excited hug.
He started to bend to kiss me, but I leaned away. "Why don't we wait till tomorrow? Make it even more special."
"Well...I dunno if I'll be able to wait that long, but as you wish." He pulled away and instead gave me a wink.
I grinned. "See ya."
He nodded, giving me one last look before we parted ways until our big day.
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