"Well, buddy...Eugene and I are engaged! Did you ever see it coming?"
No answer, of course. He just gave me a dirty look before dashing back underneath the blanket.
I laughed - a bit too loud.
Anna sat up, giving me a groggy, yet amazed stare. "Did you just...laugh?"
"Uh-huh - sorry!" I whispered.
"That's fine! How did yesterday go?" She scooted over to sit by me.
I stuffed my hand under the blanket and attempted to look forlorn.
She started to sympathize, and then I silently held up my ribboned wrist.
She squealed, and I clapped a hand over her mouth. "Shh. Don't scream." She clamped both hands on top of mine, and gave me a hilariously excited stare. I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head. When the urge to scream must've passed, she dropped her hands away from her mouth, so I did the same thing. Unfortunately, her squeal woke up Kristoff, who was an extremely light sleeper. He came over, giving each of us a questioning look.
"Oh. My. GOSH. That's awesome, Rapunzel!! Congrats!!!" She exclaimed quietly.
I held my wrist up so Kristoff could get what we were squeaking about, and he nodded, giving me a broad, congratulatory smile.
"Thanks, guys," I grinned. "But don't let Zelia or Punzie know, okay? Tell Elsa and maybe Hans, but do NOT tell the other two - I don't trust them not to tell them."
She nodded ecstatically. "Your wonderful secret's safe with me! And Elsa. And Kristoff and Hans." Kris nodded in agreement.
I giggled.
"So how was it?!"
"Ah....simply amazing," I said, flopping onto my belly and propping my chin up on my hands. "We met at the chair, and he totally surprised me-"
"Like now?"
I gasped at the quiet voice, and the three of us turned to look towards the edge of the shelf.
None other than Eugene, of course. He gave me a huge grin the second he saw my face.
"I hope you don't mind. I just couldn't stay away from my girl any longer." He strode over, and I patted the spot beside me. He sat down and peered into my face. "And you're just as stunningly beautiful as you were before. Slightly more radiant, though."
I laughed. "You must have been truly desperate to see me, because I haven't brushed my hair yet and I'm still in my nightie."
The whole time, Anna gave us an indulgent smile and waited. I noticed Kris give her a quick glance.
"Well, I think you look simply beautiful." He whispered, tucking some hair away from my ear.
I gave him another smile and leaned up against him for a second before I turned back to Anna.
"So, fiance...you wanna help me tell the fairytale that was last night?"
"Okay. Starting off with where I broke you off at....SHE surprised ME. I wasn't expecting to see her there at allll."
"Yeah, but then he grabbed me up into this huge hug, which surprised me because that's just not Eugene-"
"Dolls do crazy stuff when you're desperate to see someone. And would you believe she said she missed her chameleon before she admitted she'd missed me, too?"
"Actually, yeah," Anna laughed quietly.
"So then he says that he'll always come in second to Pascal, but he'd take his chances as long as he could be with me...and then he just proposed right then and there, all in the same breath."
I glanced over to him, and his eyes shone as if it had just happened all over again.
"A good way to get Rapunzel to go all-out, freak-out mode? Propose to her unexpectedly."
"Understandable!" Anna and I both told him, and then we gleefully giggled. "Two great minds think alike! Jinx - double jinx!"
Eugene and Kristoff chuckled at our escapades, and then I continued. "And then we just went up to the windowsill and stargazed for I don't know how long. It was perfect. Just simply perfect."
I sighed, and Anna gave me a huuuuge smile.
"So, when's the date?"
"Huh?" I asked, confused for a moment. "Oh! We haven't talked about that yet. But um..would you be interested in being the maid of honor?"
She opened her mouth to scream, but clapped her hands over her mouth again, nodding excitedly.
I giggled quietly and then glanced around to make sure nobody had woken up.
What I saw was Pascal, making a beeline for Punzie.
I gasped, scrambling frantically to get my feet underneath myself. I dove towards him and grabbed him. That, dear readers, is called a close one; an EXTREMELY close one.
I plopped down wordlessly beside my fiance. He and Anna, who were in front of me, stared silently at me for a few moments before we all started to snicker. I tried not to laugh out loud; I really did....and then I snorted, and the four of us all lost it. Thank goodness we quieted down before anyone woke up.
"Do you want to be my best man, Kris?" Eugene asked him once we'd all settled down.
"Be a pleasure. Congratulations! Rapunzel, I wish you luck with this boy." He switched his attention towards me, and I giggled.
"Thanks. I may need it," I glanced at Eugene and teased.
"Mmmhmm. Sure." He chuckled.
"So...since you're here, if you wanna wait down on the deck, we can just leave now, after I get dressed and brush my hair out?"
"M'kay," he told me, giving me a grin.
Anna smiled at the both of us. "You two are SO cute together."
I giggled and Eugene reached to tickle my side. I jumped away and then gave him a shove. "Knock it off! Now..the sooner ya go to the deck, the sooner we'll be able to spend time together."
He chuckled. "I'm going, I'm going."
Once he'd left and I'd gone back behind the blanket we used as a curtain, I threw my dress on and brushed through my hair, braided it, and fastened my ribbon at the end...I don't think I'd ever gotten dressed that quickly before! As soon as that was taken care of, I got Pascal, told Anna I'd see her later, and then hurried down to the deck.
As soon as I got down there, Tangled Fan came swooping into her bedroom, cell phone in hand.
"Okay, guys! Heard you two got engaged last night. So...pictures!"
I laughed at her enthusiasm, but I groaned inwardly. I'd been expecting to spend ALL DAY with Eugene. By ourselves. Not with a human. But oh well. After awhile, we had fun with it...here are the best pictures.
And in this picture...after we'd gotten the picture before this one [the one with him and I standing with the end of my braid to show the ribbon]..he suddenly reached down and gave me a kiss. I was so surprised that I dropped the end of my braid xD

[I just noticed in this picture...so THAT'S why we had to stop and refasten the ribbon in my hair. He was standing on it! =D]

After those few romantic shots, we'd gotten more comfortable, and therefore, transformed into big goofballs. He'd threatened to tickle me in this one...while I'm giggling and trying to shove his arms away... =D

Once we'd stopped laughing and being dorks in the last picture, Tangled Fan got us to cooperate long enough to take this pic.
And then I jumped up onto his back. I think I surprised him, because he stumbled forward a coupla steps, laughing.
And after that, Tangled Fan decided she wasn't going to get many 'romantic' photos out of us and gave up, leaving us to our own devices =D
And after that, Tangled Fan decided she wasn't going to get many 'romantic' photos out of us and gave up, leaving us to our own devices =D
When we got off of the windowsill and onto the floor, he gave me that grin of his. "I'm so glad to have the privilege of being with you right now, m'lady."
I laughed. "Same! I missed ya."
He winked. "Mutual. So...um...one question. Do you want to dance at our wedding? Cause I don't know how, and...yeah."
I shrugged. "We don't have to. I can teach you, though! Why don't I teach you after the wedding? I'm self taught, mostly...Flynn from my previous home coached me from the sidelines once in awhile. Kinda hard to teach someone to dance with a partner when their partner is the air!" I laughed.
"Hmm. Well, he didn't know what a wonderful girl you are."
I chuckled. "He probably knew....that I'm an awkward dork!"
My fiance stopped in his tracks, but I kept walking - until I hit the maximum length that our arms could reach, and my hand almost slipped out of his. He then attempted (poorly, but it was a decent try) to twirl me into him. I ended up stumbling backwards until I bumped into him back-first.
He chuckled. "Sorry. The movies make that look so easy."
I laughed. "That's fine."
Wrapping both of his arms around me, he nuzzled my hair. "Love you. And I can't wait till we're married."
I grinned. "Me neither! It just seems so surreal." I tilted my head back and to the side so I could grab a quick kiss. When I pulled away, he gave me that grin of his.
"Well, what do you want to discuss first?"
I thought for a minute. "Hm. Personally, I could just stay like this all day long."
He laughed. "I know. Same here. But that'd be a little weird."
"Agreed," I said, pulling away from him. I swooped in to kiss him on the cheek and then took his hand again.
He gave me a grin and a loving gaze. "So...m'lady, what all do we need to plan?"
My eyes widened. "I-I...never really thought about that before."
"Don't all girls dream about their weddings?" He asked, quirking a brow.
"Well, you do realize who you're asking, right? Anna does all the time -when she's not around Kris or Hans, of course. But, um...I never really thought about it, because I figured that after Flynn from that previous home, I was never going to piddle around with love anymore."
"Hmm...well, I'm glad you did." He told me. "Well...we have to decide who's coming, right?"
"Yeah. Should we invite the 18 inchers? I mean, they're pretty friendly. I've met them a couple of times. And of course, Anna, Elsa, Piper, and Emma. And Hans and Kristoff."
He gave me a mock-surprised look. "You mean you're not inviting Punzie and Zelia? Oh my gosh, you'll be heartbroken!"
I giggled and gave him a playful shove. "Yeah, yeah. Just simply heartbroken."
We sat down and chatted about evvvverything that needed planned. I mean, I guess I'm lucky, because from what I've seen online, human weddings are a LOT more involved! But goodness. I was ready to just have someone officiate our vows right as we sat here, and be married. xD
After awhile, I leaned forward to touch my toes, stretching my back and groaning. "I never thought about how much goes into a wedding...I never thought this much WENT into a wedding!"
He chuckled. "Why don't we take a break from all that?"
I was very quick to agree. "You, my fiance, are awesome."
He laughed again, and the second I sat up, I leaned back to rest my head up against his shoulder. He slung both his arms comfortably around me, and I sighed, thinking about how wrong I'd been to even think about breaking up with him.
This guy truly loved me, and I loved being around him, because it simply intrigued me about how his every action showed his happiness, love, and gratefulness that he was around me. I'd never been treated like this before, so I was just...the same way, I guess - grateful to be around him, happy, and loving -of course.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, until I glanced up at him again. "Um...so...when are we having it? I just realized that we've talked about everything except that little detail there."
"Well...I'd be just happy as could be if we'd wing it for tonight, but I KNOW that's not an option"-he added when my eyes about fell out of my head in surprise-"so..well...whenever you want."
"I WANT to right now, but I know that's not an option as well." I laughed through my nose and thought for a little while. When I spoke up again, I asked tentatively, "Maybe....tomorrow?"
He thought for a moment before is face split into a huge smile. "It could work! Why not?"
"I don't see any reason why not. All we REALLY need is a time, a place, someone to officiate, and...a dress..." I trailed off. "A dress! I won't be able to-"
"Piper's got a wedding dress, right? It doesn't matter to me, though. I don't have a tux or anything to change into, so you don't HAVE to be dressed up."
"Yeah, but we're hardly close enough to share wardrobes," I said. "And I do want to dress up."
"Why? I mean...you're pretty enough as it is."
I shrugged, not sure of how to reply; and my face heated up.
"Oh, you don't have to get embarrassed - it's true and you'll be hearing a lot more of that through your lifetime, sweet girl of mine."
I giggled. "Hm. But really....is that what we're going to do?"
"It's fine by me," he told me. I glanced up again to give him a grin, and saw he was already giving me a loving smile.
"Okay. What time?"
"Three? And do you want to ask if Hans would do the honors?"
"Sounds awesome! And yeah, I can ask him! Now, so as to not break tradition, we won't be able to see one another until that time tomorrow....so, would you be fantastic and invite the 18 inchers tomorrow?"
"Your wish is my command, m'lady. I'll talk with Tangled Fan about getting pictures and stuff too, okay? So you'll just have to arrange for someone to officiate and get your dress."
"You are awesome," I told him again, and he laughed.
"Why, thank you! Anything for my dear."
I nestled up against him a bit more - he seemed to gladly adjust his arms to keep them snug around me. I grinned up at him. "I am soooo glad to be back with you. Sorry for being a dork."
He chuckled. "Like I said before - you just reacted without thinking."
We stayed like that for awhile, chatting about anything in general and also the wedding, but once it started to get dark - it gets dark around five anymore, - we headed back to the deck.
"So...I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, darling. In about twenty-two hours!" He told me gently, giving me that cute grin of his.
"Yup! Can't wait!" I told him enthusiastically, reaching over to pull him into a quick, excited hug.
He started to bend to kiss me, but I leaned away. "Why don't we wait till tomorrow? Make it even more special."
"Well...I dunno if I'll be able to wait that long, but as you wish." He pulled away and instead gave me a wink.
I grinned. "See ya."
He nodded, giving me one last look before we parted ways until our big day.
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