Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Moving AGAIN...Yay...

Sooo, today Tangled Fan got the brilliant idea to move us around.
Jordan is still crying almost constantly, and I'm running on two hours of sleep, but she just HAD to come and move us...the whole way across the room.

We're now on a small bookshelf.  We have the same amount of space that we used to, but it's so much darker - probably the color of the wood - and I'm really worried that Audrey will get carried away playing or something and run right off the edge of the shelf.  Maybe I'm just over-worrying. 
And this move has just gotten Jordan worked up even MORE....yay.
Tangled Fan says that this may or may not be temporary.  Oh my gosh, I seriously hope that this is temporary. about we go back to our old shelf in an hour?!

I guess that everyone else was moved, too, because EVERYONE else was on the top of the shelf, directly above us, and making plenty of noise. 
Double yay. 

Soo today was spent getting situated (thank goodness, we still have our blankets, the wicker chair, and the girls' beds), trying to keep Jordan's screaming and crying to a minumum (hah!), and trying to keep a fidgety Audrey busy.

Eugene had only gotten about four hours of sleep, so we were BOTH running on empty.  So, naturally, we were both a little frazzled.  I don't know how he did it, but my hubby managed to keep his head, while I was just about to lose it.  I could hear a loud (not in an argumentative way, it didn't seem) conversation going on above us, and I just hoped that they quieted down soon so that Audrey could at least try to go to sleep! :\
Around eight, Anna actually came down.  Jordan was in full-out wail mode.  I was on the wicker chair, trying to get her to go to sleep, quiet down, anything..while Eugene played with Audrey and Pascal. 
"Whoa.  That's who's making all that noise!  What's wrong with her?"  She asked, nodding her head towards Jordan. 
"Yes.  I'm not sure; I think it's just too much for her, moving to our old shelf and then to this, and...I don't know.  But this is miss Jordan," I told Anna.  Even though I was so tired, and distressed because I wasn't able to help Jordan, I felt my heart squeeze as I plopped a kiss on the top of my crying baby's head before holding her away from my shoulder so Anna could see her.  "Do you want to hold her?" 
She held her hands up, backing away.  "Nooo thank you.  She's...quite loud." 
"Well, I'm sure all babies get that way at one time or another.  The older girl we adopted, Audrey, is over there with Eugene," I told her, gesturing towards Audrey. 
"She's cute," Anna glanced towards Audrey, and then looked back at Jordan.  "I hope she'll go to sleep soon.  You all look tired."
"I hope so, too, but she hasn't slept through the night well for the past couple of nights, so I'm not holding my breath." 

She got a horrified-slash-disgusted look on her face. 
Ohhh boy.  Here it comes. 
"Wow.  You know you can hear her clear up to our shelf?" 
"Yeah.  But what am I going to do?"  I asked.  "Trust me, it's not like we're not trying to get her calmed down!" 
"I just...yeah...she's loud," Anna said as Jordan loosed a  particularly loud cry.  I shifted her so she could look over my shoulder and she quieted to just whimpers. 
Even though she'd quieted, Anna was grating those maroon bootheels across the last shred of nerves I had left. 
"Well, you guys were being really, really loud earlier, too, so I suppose Jordan shouldn't be a problem down here."  I said, trying to keep the edge out of my voice. 
"Hey, now-" Anna started to bristle and move to get in my face, but then, Eugene, after asking Audrey to take Pascal and play on the wicker chair for a few minutes, jumped up and snagged Anna's arm, whispering something in her ear. 
She gave him a dirty look before pulling away from him and promptly leaving the shelf.  
I gave him a wide-eyed look, moving over to him as I rubbed Jordan's back.  "What'd you tell her?!" 
"That you were tired, upset, irritated, and right; so she needn't fly off on you about the baby," he said, and I gave him a small smile, silently thanking him for doing so. 
He nodded, pulling me close to his side. 
"I don't know why she has to be...this way...anymore..." I groaned, and he leaned to kiss my forehead. 
"She's probably the type that can only have one friend at a time, and right now, that's Hans.  She'll get over it sooner or later, probably after they're married - if they get married - and she'll go back to being your friend."  He told me. 

I sighed, thinking this over.  "You're prbably right..." I  glanced back down to Jordan, who was back to crying.   Another thought formed in my head.  "Do you think...maybe she's sick?  Jordan, rather.   All this stress, y'know, and she's just a little one..."
He gave me a calculating glance, and then looked at Jordan.
"It's possible..." he said.  "Since she's not sneezing much, she might have an ear infection or a tummy bug or something." 
"That's what I was thinking."  I said, instantly feeling even worse for Jordan.  "Poor little thing!" 
He nodded, reaching to take her from me.   I let him ease her away, turning to see what Audrey was up to. 
She was fast asleep. 
Tuckered out, I suppose...I carried her to her bed, covering her up.  I gave her a quick peck in the hair, and grinned as I noticed Pascal making his way over to the bed. 
"Hmm, quite taken with Audrey, are we...?"  I asked him quietly, scooping him up and giving him a cuddle against my cheek before I tucked him under the blankets beside Audrey. 
When I turned around, I saw Eugene giving Jordan a gentle kiss on the forehead, cuddling her in his arms.  Her sobbing quieted just a little bit, and I grinned.  He just had that magic touch.  Wish I was able to get her to quiet down when I held her! 

I came over, looking down at Jordan.  " that we're pretty sure she's sick, I just feel really, really bad...I don't know why, but I do." 
"Motherly instinct," he winked, and my face grew red.  He bent to kiss my cheek." you can get some sleep, I'm gonna  take miss Jordan out for a walk or something, okay?"
"Nope.  This is a different spot, and it's dark, and I don't want you getting lost or hurt or something.  Either of you." 
He started to say he'd be fine with her, but I shook my head adamantly.  No way was he leaving the shelf, especially not with Jordan! 
Finally, he sighed. "Okay, fine.  She's quieting down a little bit, anyway." 
"Mhmm," I said, and we just stood quietly for a few minutes, listening as Jordan's crying lowered to just the occassional whimper for the first time in several hours.  She also seemed to have a bit of trouble holding those little eyes of hers open...
"I bet she'll go to sleep for awhile if one of us holds her for a bit," my husband whispered, so I nodded quietly, reaching to carefully scoop her from his arms, taking her over to the chair. 
He headed off to bed, and I stayed up for about half an hour, until I was sure she was going to stay asleep for awhile.  That whole half an hour, I sung random songs in an extremely hushed, quiet tone - so nobody was disturbed or woken up by me, or heard my horrid singing.  'I See the Light' and 'Do You Want to Build a Snowman?' from Tangled and Frozen (respectively) seemed to do the best with soothing her. 
After I was positive she was going to stay asleep, I carefully laid her in her bed and made sure she was wrapped up well, before I went to bed myself.  I was at the point where I was so tired I didn't even notice it anymore...if you've ever been that tired before to know what I mean?

To my surprise, Eugene was still awake.  He promptly wrapped me in his arms when I crawled under the blankets.  "She asleep?" 
"So far," I whispered. 
"Good.  Hopefully she'll be better soon.  I don't know how long ailments should last in kids," he said quietly. 
I propped myself up on my elbows.  "I dunno either, but if she's not better tomorrow, I'm going to talk to Tangled Fan." 
"Well...I wouldn't get too worried quite yet-" he broke off, meeting my eyes.  "-but I suppose it wouldn't hurt.  It'd put both our minds at ease." 
I smiled.  "I'm probably just over-worrying.  What's new with that?" 
He laughed through his nose, but I noticed that he didn't contradict me xD
I gave him a quick kiss, which he returned - and then gave the tip of my nose a peck, as well as my forehead. 
I buried my face in his shoulder for a few seconds, drinking in the scent of his plastic.  And then a wave of concern came over me, wondering if the girls would sleep okay tonight, because of us changing shelves.  I pulled away from him abruptly, sitting up so I could look at the girls, who were sleeping by the wicker chair. 
"What?"  Eugene asked, sitting up himself and giving me a concerned look. 
"N-nothing...Just being paranoid."  I whispered, and he put a hand on my shoulder. 
"About what?" 
"I don't know...just me being me."  I wasn't exactly sure how to explain myself, so my default answer came in handy.
"Because of the new shelf?"
"Yeah...probably," I whispered, laying back down.  He did, too, and then pulled me close again.  "I miss our shelf." 
"Me, too.  Hopefully this is only temporary, though, so don't worry that pretty mind of yours."  He planted a couple of kisses in my hair.  "And don't worry too  much about Jordan, either, okay?  We'll get her feeling better soon.  Annnd...I'm sure Anna will come around." 
My heart squeezed, realizing he was covering every single thing I was worried about.  Turning to my belly, I met his eyes and gave in to the smile teasing the corners of my mouth.  "You know, hon...if you can make this girl smile when she's stressed and running on two hours of're pretty awesome. I love you." 
He gave me that grin of his, brushing a strand of hair away from my eyes.  "Anything to make you smile, sweetie.  Love you, too.  Now....try to get some sleep before miss Jordan gets up again - sound good?" 
"The idea of sleep sounds amazing," I laughed through my nose, burrowing under the blankets. 
We'll see how tomorrow goes...

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