Monday, September 29, 2014

Update on Zach and a Bit of a Scare

Hey, guys!  My little guy's finally getting better, thank goodness.  I was starting to get really scared! 
Last night, I allowed Eugene back in the bedroom, but Zach still slept with us, just in case he'd start having a coughing fit or something.  Today, he's only been sneezing a bit and is back to his normal self, which is awesome!  I might be able to get some sleep tonight....MIGHT.
This afternoon, right after we got the kids down to nap, Eugene led me over to the couch, pulling me down onto his lap and giving me a quick kiss on the forehead. 
"I think we need to schedule a day out sometime soon.  Your thoughts?" 
I smiled.  We hadn't been able to do that in...I don't even know how long.  Since before I found out I was pregnant, probably...I can't remember.  Regardless.  I nodded, leaning my head up against his shoulder.  "Mmh....definitely.  But it couldn't be a whole day out..."
"Why not?" 
"Zach. I don't want to leave Zelia or Belle with a crying baby all day long, plus I couldn't do that to him!"
He took a deep breath, thinking  for a few minutes.  "He's getting better with letting others hold him,"
I nibbled my lip.  "True...but that was before he got sick.  I hope my coddling him didn't create a setback..."
Eugene chuckled.  "Well...there's just one way to find out.  Zelia said she'd be over tomorrow, so..."
I nodded.  "That'd work - if he starts getting upset if I don't hold him, then we'll know that we just can't go out for a full day." 
He nodded.  "Sounds good.  I see you're over the 'you're never leaving the table again, Eugene' thing?" 
I ducked my head.  "Well, as long as the door is shut, the dogs won't be able to get in.  But you're never going anywhere NEAR said door.  Ever." 
Laughing quietly, he quirked a brow.  "Why not?" 
"All it would take is Tangled Fan coming in to grab something, not noticing a dog slipping in..." I trailed off, raising my eyebrows to silently ask if I'd made my point. 
"True," he nodded.
We talked for a few minutes more, but then Zelia and Belle came bursting over to our side of the table. 
"Is Zarina over here?"
I scrambled awkwardly off of Eugene's lap and stood, shaking my head in confusion.  "No..why?" 
Zelia rolled her eyes towards Belle, a look of worry crossing both of their faces.  "This isn't good." 
"What isn't good?!"  I asked, frustrated at my lack of knowledge in the situation.  Worry knotted my stomach. 
"She said yesterday--she was talking with me one-on-one--about wanting to go back in her box, to be displayed that way.  She thinks it is a perfect solution...Ariel has been dreadful towards her, as has Punzie.  They were particularly terrible today." 
I gasped, horrified.  My good mood from earlier completely vanished.  "Come on - we have to go find her.  Eugene, keep an eye on the kids?" 
I knew he wanted to help, but he nodded, and then the three of us took off down the side of the table. 
"Fitz already went to search for her...he was the one who made us realize she was gone," Zelia said as we hoofed it away from the table. 
"I hope he caught up with her before she could find Tangled Fan,"
"Same here," Belle nodded. 

We got halfway across the room before we found them. 
Her eyes widened when she saw us coming towards her.  Fitz was walking alongside her, and I could tell she wasn't pretending to be relieved. 
"There you are..." Belle gasped as soon as we came within a foot of her. 
She nodded, looking uncomfortable.  "I didn't cause any panic, did I?" 
Zelia started to snort, but I elbowed her (hopefully discreetly).  "It's fine.  What were you going to do?" 
"I-I...I was just going for a walk...didn't know it'd cause such a huge issue," she stammered. 
So THAT'S what she looks like when she's lying.  Dualy noted.
I let her off the hook, though, and nodded.  "Okay.  Well, now you know how many dolls care  about you," I said.
She knew what I meant, and gave me a slight nod to tell me she understood.  Fitz looked between us, an expression of confusion clouding his eyes.
"Well, I guess we'll let you guys head back, then.  I need to get back before Zach gets up," I said.  "Zarina, come over sometime and chat, okay?  Please?"
She bit her lip, but she nodded, and we went on ahead of Zarina and Fitz.  I didn't want to, I wanted to have a good long talk with her about what she had planned to do, but I didn't want to embarrass her.  I'm sure she didn't want Fitz to know.  Soo I just headed back to my side of the table, hoping she'd come talk soon.
As soon as I crawled up onto our side of the table, Eugene met me with a concerned expression.
"Did you get to her in time?" his hand hovered over my side, likely ready to comfort me if the news was bad.
I nodded.  "Fitz got to her before we did, actually.  Good thing, too."
He sighed, relieved.  "Good."

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